Chapter 16:The Super Moon Effects

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Sunday Morning~(10:34 AM)

Haru's POV~

Once Masaru and his friends had left,Zixin excused himself to go to the restroom.

Rikona Suzuki:",now that we're alone....there's something very urgent you need to know...."

Haru Kuwata:"Is it about the super moon??"

Rikona Suzuki:"Yeah....and the situation is much worser than we thought...."

Haru Kuwata:*Gulps*"(Why do I have a bad feeling about this...?)"

Twenty Minutes Later~

While me and my big brother were heading back,I couldn't help but remember what Rikona had told me earlier....

Haru Kuwata:"Um...Leon??"

Leon Kuwata:"Yes Haru?"

Haru Kuwata:"*Nervous*Theres....something you need to know...that Rikona told me....and it's very urgent,so I'll tell you once we're in your room..."

Leon Kuwata:*Concerned*"Um....ok..."

Leon's Bedroom(Leon's POV)~

Once I closed the door behind me,Haru sat down on my bed and began explaining.

Haru Kuwata:"Ok,so apparently,Rikona told me earlier in the sleepover that the super moon also takes a part of the curse,but she didn't knew what role it serve for the situation.So she did a bit of research during the sleepover."

Leon Kuwata:"Ok,and did she find any important information?"

Haru Kuwata:"Yes she did,but....I'm afraid the effects are...terrible...."

Leon Kuwata:"What do you mean?"

Haru Kuwata:"Well,Rikona found out that on a super moon night.....that's when your fate will be decided...whether you're going to be human....or a werewolf for the rest of your life...."

Leon Kuwata:*Shocked*"A-Are you serious?!"

Haru Kuwata:"I'm serious,and since we have a super moon night coming up on the third full moon night next month,we NEED to find an antidote for you ASAP.Cuz if we don't cure you on that night,you're gonna be a werewolf!No morning transformations,you'll LITERALLY stay as a werewolf in the day and nighttime!!"

Right after he finish his sentence,all I could feel was fear...fear of what could become of my own life....becoming....a full time beast for the rest of my life....meaning that....I won't be able to achieve my dreams,graduate from Hope's Peak,see Haru all grown up,or even to spend the rest of my life with Viole-

Haru Kuwata:*Holds Leon's hands*"But don't worry big brother,me and Rikona will do everything in our power to save you from this curse!Besides,we still got like a month to find a cure for you."

Leon Kuwata:*Fear*"T-That's true...but what if there isn't one??What if we never find it??"

Haru Kuwata:"Relax relax,there's gotta be one out there somewhere!We just need to find it.For now,just keep those new changes low,and we just got to stay optimistic here alright?"

Leon Kuwata:"O-Okay..."

Haru Kuwata:"And don't worry,I'm going to do everything I could to keep my big brother with me.Because I'm NOT losing another sibling!Not at this age!!"

After he said that,my little brother immediately hugged me,trying to calm me down.Which it automatically worked,resulting a hug for my little bro...

Leon Kuwata:"Haru...I.....t-thank you.....for being the best little brother in the world...."

Haru Kuwata:*Looks up*"No problem,I'm just doing my job as a younger sibling."

At that moment,Amber meowed as she was leaning against my leg.

Amber:"Meooww....*Looks up at Leon*"

Haru Kuwata:"Is she hungry again?Or does she want to go outside?"

Leon Kuwata:"I'm pretty sure she just want to leave....since I just gave her food not too long ago..."

Haru Kuwata:"Good point good point....welp.*Picks her up*I'll be taking her out,so I'll be right back."

After he said that,he walked out of my room with Amber in his arms.

Leon Kuwata:*Sighs and leans against the wall*"I really hope we find that cure....before that super moon night comes around...."

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