Chapter 19:Founding the Cure

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On the 15th of Wednesday(Lunchtime)~

Haru's POV~

Once me and Rikona had finished eating our lunches,we said our farewells to Zixin and immediately began heading to the library.Where we would continue our search for a cure for my brother's situation.

In the Hallways~

Although,while me and Rikona were heading to the library,a fellow classmate with his group had spotted us.

Classmate 1:"Ha!Looks like the two lovey dovey losers are at it again!"

Classmate 2:"As if,tomato brains over here can't even get himself a girlfriend!"

Classmate 3:"And~my prediction is that he won't even pass that final exam in our 8th grade year to go to Hope's Peak~"

Classmate 2:"Now that's something we all can hope for!"

The Group:"Hahahahaha!!"

Haru Kuwata:*Rolls his eyes*"Come on Rikona,let's just leave."

Rikona Suzuki:"Ok."

Classmate 3:"Aw,what's the matter you two?Can't handle the truth of your future?~"

Rikona Suzuki:*Turns around*"Um,what fortune telling objects have you been using?Cuz the possibilities of your predictions are even WORSE than the Ultimate Clairvoyant's.And that's saying something since he ONLY has a 30% chance for the prediction to happen."

Classmate 3:"That may be,but....that comeback is not even that strong and it's stupid as well."

Rikona Suzuki:"Oh,are you saying my comebacks are stupid?*Classmate 3 nods*Well,*Smirk*at least you two have something in common."

The Group(Except Classmate 3):"OOOOO,BURNNN!!"

Rikona Suzuki:"*Whispers*We can now leave Haru."

Haru Kuwata:"*Whispers*Ok...(I love her comebacks...)"

At the Hope's Peak Middle Library~

Rikona Suzuki:"Ok,Haru,you can continue looking through this aisle.*Points to an aisle where some of the werewolf books are located*While I'll look over here ok?"

Haru Kuwata:"Ok!"

Right after I said that,I began walking over to my assigned aisle and searched through the books.

A Few Minutes Later~

While I was still reading through the current book's content,Rikona came up to me with a smile on her face.

Rikona Suzuki:"Haru,looks like we finally found something for your brother!"

Haru Kuwata:"Really?!So whats the discovery?"

Rikona Suzuki:"Well...*Opens the book to a certain page*take a look..*Lends Haru the book*"

Once I finished reading the page Rikona was referring to,excitement could only take over my mind in an instinct...

Haru Kuwata:"No...way...are these.....the ingredients for the cure?!"

Rikona Suzuki:"Yeah,and it looks like some of these items are pretty easy to find...."

Haru Kuwata:"But what about these?*Points to some fancy looking names*"

Rikona Suzuki:"Um....I don't know...maybe we could ask Seiko Kimura about them..."

Haru Kuwata:"But wouldn't that reveal Leon's secret in a way?"

Rikona Suzuki:"Well....I guess so.....but at this point,we need all the help we could get from people we can trust.That Super Moon night is getting closer,and I would rather finish that cure soon before your brother's fate is sealed."

Haru Kuwata:"I guess you're this means we'll ask her for help then?"

Rikona Suzuki:"Pretty much,we'll just not specify EVERYTHING if your brother doesn't feel comfortable with this..."

Haru Kuwata:"Ok,then I'll ask him about this right away after school!*Lends the book back to Rikona*"

Just then,the bell had rung signaling that lunchtime is over.

Rikona Suzuki:"Ok,well,text me when you get his answer ok?"

Haru Kuwata:"Okie dokey,see ya tomorrow!"

Rikona Suzuki:"Yeah,see ya!"

Once Rikona went up to the librarian to check out the book,I began heading out to my next period class.As hope was beginning to rise within me....

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