Chapter 12:More New Changes

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While I was heading to Hope's Peak,Ibuki ran up to me from behind and yelled,

Ibuki Mioda:"Good morn-morn-morning Leon-Chan!!!!!!"

Leon Kuwata:"Morning Ibuki!Ready for tomorrow?"

Ibuki Mioda:"Of course!Ibuki has been ready since the planning!!!"

Leon Kuwata:"Thats good to hear."

Ibuki Mioda:"'s sucks that Violet-Chan won't be able to come."

Leon Kuwata:"Yeah,but all that matters is for her to have fun at her sleepover tomorrow."

Ibuki Mioda:"Yeah you're right...also Ibuki has one TINY question...."

Leon Kuwata:"Whats up?"

Ibuki Mioda:"Ibuki was wondering if she could bring Kazuichi-Chan to the movie night...since we still have some room for another person to join us."

Leon Kuwata:"Sure,you can bring him."

Ibuki Mioda:"YAYY!!!*Jumps in joy*"

After she said that,I heard some distant yelling....

Leon Kuwata:"Ibuki..*Stops walking*do you hear that?"

Ibuki Mioda:"*Confused*Hear what??"

Leon Kuwata:"Sounds like some girls are having argument or something....."

Ibuki Mioda:"Argument???Ibuki doesn't hear anything...."

Without thinking,I began walking away towards a different direction.

Ibuki Mioda:"Huh?Where you're going Leon-Chan??"

Leon Kuwata:"I'm just gonna find the source of the sound..."

Ibuki Mioda:"But-nevermind......Ibuki will just follow you..."

Afterwards,Ibuki began to follow me heading to the side of the main Hope's Peak building.

Ibuki Mioda:*As they were getting closer to the source*"(Huh....are those the sounds Leon-Chan was talking about??If in the world was he able to hear that?!)"


Then when we arrived to our destination,we saw Violet and her younger sister Hikari Saki(Ultimate Volleyball Player)arguing.

Ibuki Mioda:"HUH??How did did you hear them arguing???We were literally outside of the gates!!And we weren't even close to them!"

Leon Kuwata:"I honestly don't know....but we got to stop them before their argument gets out of hand!"

Ibuki Mioda:"Alright.*Yelling*Violet-Chan and Hikari-Chan!!!*Runs up to them*"

Hikari Saki:"Heh?"

Ibuki Mioda:"Why don't we just hangout instead?Since that is a better option than what you girls were doing."

Leon Kuwata:"Y-Yeah,so let's just stop fighting.."

Violet Saki:"I'm sorry,but I was just trying to ask Hikari to stop taking my stuff and my clothing.Especially during her games."

Hikari Saki:"*Anger*Excuse me?Whats wrong with me bringing your stuff to one of my games huh?!Are you saying that they'll start smelling bad thanks to the sweat?!"

Violet Saki:"Of course not!!I'm just saying!"

Leon Kuwata:"Ok ok!*Gets in between them*Lets just get going!That bell should be ringing any moment by now!"

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