Chapter 22:Confrontation

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On Sunday Morning~

Haru's POV~

After me and Rikona took our orders,we began looking for a table until Rikona remarked,

Rikona Suzuki:"Haru..."

Haru Kuwata:"Yeah?"

Rikona Suzuki:"Isn't that Mondo with his little group over there?"

Thereafter,I turned around and noticed Chihiro talking to Mondo.

Haru Kuwata:"Yeah,that's him."

Rikona Suzuki:"Oh,if that's the case,I think you should go talk to him about this....situation...."

Haru Kuwata:"....ok then."

With that,I began walking towards their table.

Haru Kuwata:"Hey guys..."

Chihiro Fujisaki:"Oh,hey Haru!"

Kiyotaka Ishimaru:"*Sees Haru*Good morning Haru!How have you've been doing?"

Haru Kuwata:"I've been doing fine,what about you guys?"

Kiyotaka Ishimaru:"We've been doing excellent for these past few days!"

Haru Kuwata:"That's good to know.*Noticed Mondo looking out at the window*You don't mind if me and Mondo have a private chat for a bit?"

Chihiro Fujisaki:"We don't mind,that's if Mondo wants to..."

Mondo Oowada:"*Sighs* guys can go check if our fuc-*Sees Haru and stops himself from cussing*...what I mean't to say guys can check if our order is ready..."

Kiyotaka Ishimaru:"Ok!"

Next,Chihiro and Taka got up from their seats and walked away to the counter.Leaving me and Mondo alone at the table,which at the same time,I noticed a mark on Mondo's cheek....

Mondo Oowada:"So what did ya need kid?"

Haru Kuwata:"Well...*Sits down on the seat across Mondo*first off,what happened to your cheek?"

Mondo Oowada:"Oh's...nothing serious.....(I guess....)"

Haru Kuwata:"Oh.....alright then...?.."

Mondo Oowada:*Sighs*"Forget about it.....just tell me what do you want...."

Haru Kuwata:".....well.....from what I heard from my brother.....*Whispers*you're that werewolf who attacked him right?From that night..?"

Mondo Oowada:*Widen eyes*"I...erm......*Nervousness fades away*when did he told you that?"

Haru Kuwata:*Normal volume*"Not too long ago....but that's besides the point here.The point is....I've been meaning to tell you that me and my friend had found a cure for this situation!"

Mondo Oowada:*Surprised*"Wait....are you for reals?!You're not messing with me...right?"

Haru Kuwata:"No,I'm serious!We just need to get Seiko's help since most of the ingredients can be found by her.That's if you're ok with her being involved with this...."

Mondo Oowada:"Nah I don't mind at all.As long as that cure is made,we should be fine.I just want this curse to be done and over with for good..."

Haru Kuwata:"Ah ok, I'll try to notify you as soon as that cure is ready to go."

Mondo Oowada:"Alright!So...before you's your brother doin...?Is he handling those new changes well..?"

Haru Kuwata:"Ehh...he could've been better.....for the past couple of days,he's been having trouble trying to control those new instincts of his....along with those...anger attacks he's been having..."

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