Chapter 35:Leon Kuwata's Fate....

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After I left the others behind,I held onto the needle as I was walking through forest....

Violet Saki:*Gulps*"(Everything will be ok's time for you to get some courage...and....end this werewolf situation once and for all......)"

While I was walking through the darkness with the bit of fear fading away(kinda),I could hear some footsteps close by....

Violet Saki:*Stops walking*

When I was trying to listen closer to my surroundings....I could hear the footsteps getting closer....closer....and closer to me....
Violet Saki:"......*Takes a deep breath*(He's definitely here....right over....)

Before I could finish that sentence,I automatically hear the footsteps and a bit of growling from the right side...

Werewolf!Leon:*Leaps towards Violet to attack her*

Violet Saki:*Barely dodges and received a scratch in the lower leg*"OW!!(That was a close one.....)"

Werewolf!Leon:*Began walking towards her*

Violet Saki:"Leon....*backs away slowly*let's try not to kill me....or anyone else in this forest....and let's just get this problem done and over with....*Back touches a tree behind her*......*innocent*...please?"

Werewolf!Leon:*Growls and prepares to take a leap*

Violet Saki:*Sweatdrop*"........I'll take that as a no then...."

After I said that,I immediately moved to the left as soon as Leon took a leap towards the tree I was at.

Werewolf!Leon:*Face gets hit by the tree*

Violet Saki:*Sees that happening*"Ouch...that gotta hurt....*The werewolf began growling*....uh oh....*Leon looks at her*look....*takes out needle*this is for your own a good Wolf Boy.....and just let me give you the flipping cure....ok...?(Why am I asking him at this point...?)"

Thereafter,he ran towards me and unfortunately,I wasn't lucky enough to dodge his attack....

Violet Saki:*Gets landed on and drops the needle*"GET OFF OF ME!!*Began kicking him*"

As I was trying to throw some kicks at him,he began scratching my poor legs.

Violet Saki:"STOPPP!!*Noticed the needle close by and tries to reach for it*PLEASE!!"

Suddenly,when I threw a strong kick at him,he got off of me wincing in a bit of pain.

Violet Saki:"(YES,this is my opportunity!!)*Grabs the needle*"

When I tried to get up,I fell back down due to the large amount of pain I felt from my bleeding legs.Even so,I decided to make my way towards Leon on the ground.

Violet Saki:"(Come on....we're almost there....)"

Werewolf!Leon:*Looks at her angrily and attacks her again*

Violet Saki:*Screams in pain*"LEON!!*Holds onto the needle*JUST LET ME-"

Before I even finish speaking,the werewolf began screaming in pain as I managed to inject the substance into his body....

Violet Saki:*Shocked*"Oh my god....*Leon gets off of her and backs away*.....I did it....I actually did it...*Dials Seiko's number and then she picks up*SEIKO!!I DID IT!!HE'S TURNING BACK TO NORMAL!!COME OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!!"

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