Chapter 10:Saturday Planning

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In the Thursday Morning~(LEON'S POV)

Once I regained my consciousness,I slowly opened my eyes and noticed that I was still in the room.

Leon Kuwata:" head...*Straighten up and looks around*....huh...*looks down at the chains*These chains actually lasted for the night....sweet!Now I just need to wait for Haru to come back....*Goes back laying down*"

Then once a few minutes of waiting has past by,I heard the door opening.

Haru Kuwata:"Big bro!!!*Runs up to him*I'm so sorry that I took too long!Traffic was BAD!"

Leon Kuwata:"Relax Haru,its fine.Besides,I barely regained my consciousness not too long ago.."

Haru Kuwata:"Alright cool,anyways*takes out the key*lets get you out of these chains..."

Leon Kuwata:"Alright.."

Next,Haru began unlocking the chains and when the last chain was unlocked,he had spoken.

Haru Kuwata:"Ok,you're free to go.Now come on,lets get going to school!"

Leon Kuwata:"Alr-wait,did you brought my stuff?!"

Haru Kuwata:"Yup,here.*Tosses Leon's bag*"

Leon Kuwata:*Catches it perfectly*"Thanks,now lets get going!"

Haru Kuwata:"Alright."

Timeskip to Lunchtime~

As my group of friends were talking,Ibuki suddenly slammed on the table and said,

Ibuki Mioda:"Sooooo,we're still gonna watch "The Howling" on Saturday?No other plans or anything?"

Mondo Oowada:"Hell yeah we're still gonna watch that movie!"

Kaida Sasaki:"Yeah,but one question.Where ARE we gonna watch it?"

Leon Kuwata:"Well,since I was the one who suggested the idea in the first place,we can watch it at my place.Since both my brother and mom will be out for the night..."


Kaida Sasaki:"*Mumbles* need to yell...."

Chihiro Fujisaki:"So at what time we can come over?"

Leon Kuwata:"Hmm......since my mom and my little brother are gonna leave at guys can probably come over around that time....."

Ibuki Mioda:"Ok!!Now we're all set for movie night!!!"

Leon Kuwata:"Wait!!Do you know if Violet is gonna be available for that Saturday?"

Ibuki Mioda:"Sadly,she won't be available for that night.Since she's going to the Akashika sisters' sleepover."

Leon Kuwata:"Oh...alright...."

Ohhh,so Violet is also going to the same sleepover Kimiko Suzuki(Ultimate Violinst)is going with Mizuki Takahashi(Ultimate Ice Skater)...thats neat.Though it would be nice to spend some time with her....

Kaida Sasaki:"Whats with the droopy attitude huh?~"

Leon Kuwata:"*blushes a little*....well....."

Ibuki Mioda:"Wait a minute...*Smirks*do you have a crush on Violet-Chan?~"

Leon Kuwata:*Blushes even more*"N-NO!!What makes you say that?"

Kaida Sasaki:"For one,you acted very defensive whenever someone picks on her.Just like yesterday with Yori."

Ibuki Mioda:"Then second of all,Ibuki had noticed that you sometimes blush whenever we're talking about Violet-Chan!"

Mondo Oowada:"*Smirks*Just like right now."

Leon Kuwata:"W-WHAT??!!*Covers half of his face with his hand*No I'm not!!"

Mondo Oowada:"*Still smirking*Oh really?Then why the f**k you're covering your face?"

Leon Kuwata:"Because.....because....."

Chihiro Fujisaki:"Just admit it already.Its fine if you have a crush on her.Besides,we'll definitely keep your little secret."

Leon Kuwata:"Alright fine!!!!*Uncovers face and still is blushing*You're right.....I...I...*sighs*I actually did fell in love....with Violet...."

Ibuki Mioda:"AWWWW!!!"

Kaida Sasaki:"Now thats very romantic!"

Leon Kuwata:"Just....promise me that you won't tell this to Violet alright?Since I'm still not ready to tell her my feelings for her....."

Mondo Oowada:"Don't worry,like Fujisaki said,your secret is safe with us."

Kaida Sasaki:"Yeah,so just relax."

Just then,the bell had rung.

Mondo Oowada:"Welp,we better get going.Before Taka takes note of our tardy."

Kaida Sasaki:"Alright,see ya later you guys!"

Ibuki Mioda:"Byeeeee!!"

Afterwards,the rest of us said our farewells and began heading to our classes.Honestly though,I think for this entire month,I just need to work on my...."anger" this shouldn't be too hard right?I mean,there's not gonna be any full moons for the rest of the month,so.....those problems shouldn't be too bad right?Right?

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