Chapter 4:Some Unusual Changes.....

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Unknown Place~

Once I had opened my eyes,I notice that I was in a hospital room with Haru Kuwata(my 13 yr old brother)sitting by the bed.

Haru Kuwata:"Thank goodness you woke up!How you're feeling?"

Leon Kuwata:"Well,I guess I'm fine.I mean,my legs still hurts a tiny bi-"

Before I could finish my sentence,Haru suddenly hugged me and he began to cry.

Haru Kuwata:*Crying*"I'm so glad you're alright...*sniffs*...I was worried all night and I came over here like at seven in the morning...just to make sure you didn't*sniffs*die....."*Continues to cry*

Leon Kuwata:*Hugs back*"Shhh...its ok now Haru.And it's all thanks to you!If you didn't came,I would've died."

After I said that,I spend a few moments comforting Haru.I mean,I don't blame him,since I was just attacked by a freaking werewolf last night!But I'm so glad that I didn't died...

Mini Timeskip~

While me and Haru were discussing about the incident from last night,he asked me,

Haru Kuwata:"Speaking of the attack,can I see your scratch mark on your shoulder real fast?"

Leon Kuwata:*Confused*"Um,I guess so,but why though?"

Haru Kuwata:*Serious*"I'll explain right now."

Leon Kuwata:"Alright then..."

Once I had uncovered my shoulder,disbelief had took over me as I saw my "wound".

Leon Kuwata:*Surprised*"Wait,huh?!How did..."

Haru Kuwata:"Just as I thought,your wound is already healed up."

Leon Kuwata:"Wait,you knew about this?"

Haru Kuwata:"Well,I was actually expecting this to happen.Since the doctor told me that while he was trying to patch up your wounds,they were already healing up on it's own.Which that's why I was asking you to show me your wound."

Leon Kuwata:"I guess that makes sense,but still.How in the world did my scratch mark healed up so fast?!"

Haru Kuwata:"I don't know,but imma visit Ibuki to see if the same thing happened to her."

Leon Kuwata:"Alright then."

Afterwards,Haru got up from his chair and left.

Mini Timeskip(Again)~

While I was waiting for Haru to come back,I began to check on my other wounds on my legs to see if they're already healed up.As expected,my scratch mark was healed up,but my bite marks were still healing.Then I heard the door opening.

Haru Kuwata:"I'm back Leon!"

Leon Kuwata:"So did the same thing happened to Ibuki?"

Haru Kuwata:"No,her wounds are patched up and it's barely recovering."

Leon Kuwata:"That's strange,why did it happen to me only??"

Haru Kuwata:"I don't know,but that's a bit fishy if you ask me.But um,also,the doctor said that since your wounds are mostly healed up,you can go back to Hope's Peak Academy."

Leon Kuwata:"Oh,well,alright then."

Afterwards,I got up from the bed and began walking towards the restroom.Until Haru had spoken.

Haru Kuwata:"Here."*tosses Leon's clothing*

Leon Kuwata:*Catches them perfectly without looking with one hand*"Um..thanks Haru."

Haru Kuwata:*Confused*"No prob......?( it just me,or did he just........but how?!)

What the heck?Since when did I get fast reflexes?And how in the world did I catch my clothing so easily without even looking with only one hand?!And...why felt was an instinct....?


Once I was at the track with the class,a familiar voice came up.

???:"Hey Leon!"

Leon Kuwata:"Oh hey Violet!Whats up?"

Violet Saki:"Nothing much.Just wanna ask if you were feeling ok.Since I heard what happened last night..."

Leon Kuwata:"Oh well,I'm actually feeling way better now."

Violet Saki:"That's good.Since I was worried about-"

Before she could finish her sentence,the coach blew her whistle.

Violet Saki:"We should get going now."

Leon Kuwata:"Yeah,let's go."

Mini Timeskip~(After the coach give out the instructions)

Once everyone(including myself)was ready to run our 3 laps,the coach blew her whistle signaling us to start running.While I was running,I felt a bit....odd...with this....unusual feeling...I was having...but while I was running,I noticed that Violet was looking at me in shock.Which I was bit confused since I don't know why she's looking at me like that.

When I was done with my 3 laps,I had noticed that I was the first one to finish my laps.Which I'm really surprise since I notice that everyone else is barely on their third lap.To top it all of this,I'm surprisedly not that tired after all that running.I mean,yeah I am a little tired,but not as much as usual...which that's little weird...

Coach:"Hey Kuwata,good job on your 3 laps today!You can now get some water in the gym and just wait for everyone else alright?"

Leon Kuwata:"Alright,thanks."*Began heading to the gym*

I be...that....nah,it can't be...I mean,that's impossible right?I mean,even if I tried,it won't.....wait....HUH?! I....running faster?!I mean,this isn't my normal speed at all!This isn't normal not one bit!And how in the world I didn't notice this while I was running?!I mean,that speed felt so natural to m-

Leon Kuwata:*Coughs* *Coughs*

Wait,how in the world am I coughing?!I mean,I'm not even sick or anything!To top it off,why does it hurt?!Is there....something going my body....?

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