Chapter 7:The Aftermath

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Haru's Bedroom~(Morning)(HARU'S POV)

After I turned off the alarm from my clock,I got up from my bed and began freshening up in the restroom.Once I had left the restroom,I had realized that Leon hasn't send me the message he would send once he's back in his dorm.....

Haru Kuwata:"Wait a minute.....*Checks his phone*big bro hasn't send me a message at all......*Dials Leon's phone number*I should call him to make sure he's alright....."

Once I dialed his number,it began ringing for a few moments,until a typical message popped up.Then for the next couple of minutes,I kept dialing my big brother until a realization came to me....

Haru Kuwata:"Wait.....the curse.....*Realizes a small detail*full moon......IT WAS THE NIGHT OF THE FULL MOON!!!!!!How could I be so stupid and forget about this major detail?!I got to go get him....NOW!!!"

Once I gathered my stuff for school,I quietly left the house,since my mom was asleep in her bedroom,and began running outside as fast as I could.

At the Park~

As soon as I arrived there,I ran into the forest in super speed.

Haru Kuwata:"LEON!!!!LEON WHERE ARE YOU??!!LEON!!!!"

For a few minutes,I continued looking around the place calling out my brother's name....

Outside of the Abandoned House~(Leon's POV)

The moment I recovered my consciousness,I felt very tired as I was opening my eyes...

Leon Kuwata:*Waking up*" head.....*Noticed his surroundings*Huh?Since when was I ever outside-*Sees a dead boar(that is ripped apart)in front of him*WHAT THE HELL?!*Backs away*Why in the world was there a dead boar in front of me?!*Noticed that his hands was covered with dried blood*Did.....I do that....?....."

After I said that,I observed the body for a moment longer and spotted the bite and scratch marks.

Leon Kuwata:"*Eyes widen*Holy sh*t....*Stands up and looks down at his hands*Did.....did I actually*Looks at the body*........ate that boar......?"

In that moment,my mind was starting to feel pretty uneasy with that thought.....

Leon Kuwata:"*Nervous*'s better if I leave right now...and just forget that this ever happened...."

Just then,I began walking away to look for the exit of the forest.But during the search,there was a small pond that I had noticed.

Leon Kuwata:"Sweet,I can at least get the blood off of me.....*Walks towards the pond and saw blood around his mouth and teeth in the reflection* *Sighs*Welp,that just confirmed what happened last night..."

After I said that,I began taking off the blood in my hands in the water.Next,I caught a bit of the water and used it to wash the blood off of my face and teeth.Afterwards,I looked at my reflection in the water and sighed.

Leon Kuwata:"How am I gonna handle this?I mean,who knows what kind of events could happen to me..."

?????:"LEON!!!THERE YOU ARE!!!!*Runs up to Leon and hugs him*I'm SO sorry that I forgot about the full moon!!!I promise it won't happen again!I prom-"

Leon Kuwata:"Relax Haru,it's fine.Besides,now I'm just gonna be more aware about the full moon nights and I know you had some other stuff in mind as well.Such as that competition you're gonna have in a few days."

Haru Kuwata:"Oh....yeah....I was thinking about it....last night while I was waiting for you to send me a message..."

Leon Kuwata:"Oh...shoot...*starts looking in his pockets*where the hell is my phone?!"

Haru Kuwata:*Pulls it out*"Right here.*Gives it to Leon*"

Leon Kuwata:"Gee thanks Haru!Glad you found it!"

Haru Kuwata:"No problem big bro!Anyways,let's get you ready for school before that tardy bell rings!"

Leon Kuwata:"Alright!Lets go.."

Haru Kuwata:"Wait,how come you still have your clothing?Doesn't the transformation ripped it apart or something??"

Leon Kuwata:"Well....not to sure to be honest....I didn't even notice when I transformed back...."

Haru Kuwata:"Hmm...that's strange.Welp,let's get going!Race you to the exit of this forest!!!"

At that moment,me and Haru began running out of the forest in competition.Afterwards,we began heading towards my dorm.....

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