Chapter 23:Invitation

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Three Days Later(Wednesday September 22)~


As I was on my way to my homeroom class(after being absent for two days),a familiar voice was heard from behind.


Right when I turned around,I saw one of the Akashika Sisters,Queen Akashika(Ultimate Trombone Player),running up to me.

Leon Kuwata:"Oh,hey Queen!"

Queen Akashika:"Hey everything ok?"

Leon Kuwata:"Oh um...yeah...everything's fine......I just had to take care....of some family business...."

Queen Akashika:"Oh ok.I thought something terrible had happened to you."

Leon Kuwata:"Oh.....nah,nothin' like that happened...."

Queen Akashika:"Well,that's a relief.By the way,I think you should go talk to Violet today during lunch.*Mini smirk*Since she seems like she wants to hangout with you for the day."

Leon Kuwata:"Alright,sure,I'll be looking forward to that."

Just then,the first bell had rung.

Queen Akashika:"Welp,better get going,See you around Leon!"

Leon Kuwata:"See you!"

After we said our farewells,I continued walking to my class while Queen went off to the other classroom that was right next door.


As soon as class had ended,Violet walked up to my desk.

Violet Saki:"Hey Leon!"

Leon Kuwata:"H-Hey Violet!How you've been doing?"

Violet Saki:"I've been doing alright,what about you?Did something happened in your family or...was it just some business you had to attend to?"

Leon Kuwata:"*Little nervous*Um...yea.....just some family business....t-that's all...."

Violet Saki:"Ok.....(Hmmm....something is definitively going on with him......)well*takes out her lunch bag*,wanna start heading to cafeteria for you to get your lunch?Just so we can go to the art room from there."

Leon Kuwata:"A-Actually....I brought my own lunch for today....s-so we can just go there right away..."

Violet Saki:*Bit surprised*"Oh?Ok...if you say so...."

Next,I grabbed my bag and began walking out of the class with Violet.

In the Art Room~

Once we were at a table with our lunches,Violet immediately commented,

Violet Saki:"Soo...not to be nosy or anything,but why did you bring your own lunch?Thats a bit unusual of you to do...*Takes a bite from her apple*"

Leon Kuwata:"Well.....I just....I just want a little change of the usual routine....that's all.So don't worry about it too much...*Continues eating his lunch*"

Violet Saki:"Ok ok,I won't..."

Right after she said that,a moment of silence came between us....that is until Violet was the first to break it.

Violet Saki:"Leon....I have a question...."

Leon Kuwata:"...yeah?"

Violet Saki:"For my next Art Tour I'll be having sometime next year,is it alright....if I can take you to these places?"

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