Chapter 18:Secret

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Next Day(Morning)~

Leon's POV~

As I was entering the main hall of Hope's Peak,Junko's voice came up.

Junko Enoshima:"*Evil smirk*See you in class hottie~*Leaves the area*"

Leon Kuwata:"*Sighs annoyedly*......I'm not even gonna comment on that...."

After I said that,I began walking out of the main hall.Until I was greeted by Mondo in the school hallways.

Mondo Oowada:"*Little Nervous*Yo Leon..."

Leon Kuwata:"Hey Mondo!Whats up?"

Mondo Oowada:"*Still a little nervous*Nothing much,just wondering...if we can talk.....privately during lunch...?"

Leon Kuwata:"Oh uh,sure there something wrong?"

Mondo Oowada:"Ehh...sorta...I'll f**king explain SEE YOU IN LUNCH!!"

Before I could reply,he immediately ran off to our homeroom class.

Leon Kuwata:"...Okay...?....I guess I'll find out what's up with him....."


When I was arriving to the Cafeteria,Mondo immediately walked up to me.

Mondo Oowada:"*Nervous*YO LEON!Um..wanna go....over there?!*Points to an area in the hallway*"

Leon Kuwata:"Sure thing..."

A Few Moments Later in the Hallway~

Leon Kuwata:"So how's it going Mondo?"

Mondo Oowada:"Nothing much....just...been hanging around my bro and Chihiro...what about for you?"

Leon Kuwata:"It's.....been great.Especially since me and Violet had just hanged out yesterday at the Mall."

Mondo Oowada:"*Little Smirk*Thats good to hear lover boy...*Smirk fades away*However....there's something....I've....been meaning to tell you for a while...."

Leon Kuwata:"Alright...what is it?"

Mondo Oowada:"*Nervous*Its....about that f**king attack..."

Leon Kuwata:"*Slightly confused*What about the attack?"

Mondo Oowada:"'s about....that...creature that had attacked you..."

Leon Kuwata:"Wait,you have more info about it?!Thats cool,so what's the deal with that beast?"

Mondo Oowada:"*Nervous* see.....that"

Leon Kuwata:*Disbelief*"........what....?Are.....are you serious?!You're.....a werewolf as well??!!"

Mondo Oowada:"Y-Yeah....why do you think I didn't went with you guys on that night during the full moon?Why do you think Chihiro would walk my own dog for me in the park last Thursday?And why do you think I haven't been around a lot in the Cafeteria during lunch?"

After he brought up those questions.....


Chihiro Fujisaki:"Wait,isn't tonight the Full Moon?"

Kaida Sasaki:"I believe so.."

Mondo Oowada:"Oh...the problem is that I won't be able to join you guys."

Leon Kuwata:"Huh?Why not?"

Mondo Oowada:" when me and my biker gang decided to drive around the city...and we've been to do that for a while now....and I was planning to introduce them to Chihiro and Taka."

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