Chapter 17:Bonding Moment

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A Couple Of Days Later~(Thursday)

As I was heading towards the Cafeteria,Violet ran up to me and remarked,

Violet Saki:"Hey Leon,I just wanted to let you know I won't be able to hang around during lunchtime.Since I'll be busy with something."

Leon Kuwata:"Ah ok,is it something relating to the Art Club?"

Violet Saki:"*Nods*"Yup!A friend of mine needed some help with her art project."

Leon Kuwata:"Alright,well,then see ya later!"

Next,Violet genuinely smiled at me as she waved at me taking her leave.

After School~

While I was heading to the main hall to take my leave,Chihiro and Mondo just ran past by.

Chihiro Fujisaki:"Sorry Kuwata-Kun!!"

Before I could question them,they were immediately out of sight.

Leon Kuwata:"Ok,what in the world is up with them???*Puts hand behind his head*"

Just then,my phone began ringing.

Leon Kuwata:"*Picks up*Hello?"

????:"Hey,sorry for calling you on a different number.My phone had died while I was helping out my friend."

Leon Kuwata:"Nah its fine Violet,I don't mind."

Violet Saki:"Alright cool,sooo.....I was wondering if we could hangout at the mall or something.Since we haven't spend anytime together outside of school hours."

Leon Kuwata:"Oh um,sure!At what time?"

Violet Saki:"Hmmm,what about 5:00?"

Leon Kuwata:"Sounds like a plan!"

Violet Saki:"Ok,then I'll be seeing you there!"

Leon Kuwata:"Yeah,see you!"

After Violet had ended the call,a smile could only pop up on my face.With the thought of hanging with Violet after such a long time.

Leon Kuwata:*Sighs happily*"Finally....after such a long time....."

Right when I said that,I began walking out of the main hall area.

At the Mall(5:06 PM)~

While I was just looking through my social media,some footsteps were coming closer to the bench I was sitting.

????:"Hey Leon,sorry if I took too long."

Right when I look away from the screen,Violet was standing before me with a nice casual outfit.

Leon Kuwata:"Its fine Violet.*Stands up*You look nice by the way."

Violet Saki:*Blushes a little*"T-Thanks.....*Gets out of flustered state*Anyways,which store do you want to go first?"

Leon Kuwata:"Which ever is fine by you."

Violet Saki:"Ok...then...*Looks around the area and sees a GameStop*What about the GameStop over there?"

Leon Kuwata:"*Smiles*It's fine by me."

Violet Saki;"Okie,then let's go!"

Forty Five Minutes later(On a bench sitting together)~

As we were enjoying our ice creams,Violet remarked,

Violet Saki:"Ya know Leon,it's surprising we haven't spend time together like this in a long time..."

Leon Kuwata:"I know,quite the shocker.*Licks his horchata flavored ice cream*I swear Violet,this flavor is SO good!"

Violet Saki:"Told you!The regular horchata drink is already good for me,so imagine if it's a ice cream flavor?!I already knew it was gonna taste delicious!"

Leon Kuwata:"Wait,since when did you tried the horchata drink?Cuz I know they don't serve them here in this city far as I know....or anywhere in Japan."

Violet Saki:"I tried it back when I was in Mexico City for a Art Show I was having during a past tour."

Leon Kuwata:"Ah ok,that makes sense."

Violet Saki:"Yup.*Licks her watermelon flavored ice cream*"

Leon Kuwata:"Ah,before I forget,I have a question...."

Violet Saki:"Whats up?"

Leon Kuwata:"Are you....planning to be in relationship sometime during high school?"

Violet Saki:"*Light blush*Oh,well...I mean,I never really gave that much thought into that...but....I'm not too sure if that's gonna happen...."

Leon Kuwata:"Why do you say that?"

Violet Saki:"Honestly...far as I know,the guys at Hope's Peak don't really...have any romantic interest in me,but who knows?There may or may not be someone out there for me.So for now,I guess I'll remain as a single teenager for the time being.(Besides,I don't even know 100% if Leon likes me back but.....why would he be asking this to me...?Could this be,maybe he's just curious....MAYBE....)"

Leon Kuwata:"Ok then..(Heh,seems like I might have a chance with her!If I get this werewolf situation over wi-)"

Just then,I noticed that Violet had placed her hand on top of mine...

Violet Saki:*Noticed*"Ah!*Moves her hand away while blushing*I'm so sorry about that!"

Leon Kuwata:"*Light blush*Nah it's ok Violet...I...didn't mind that..."

Afterwards,there was an awkward moment of silence between us.Until Violet cleared her throat and said,

Violet Saki:"So um....let's...finish up our ice creams.Before the stores close for the day...*Licks her ice cream*"

Leon Kuwata:"Ok..."

Outside of the Mall(6:57 PM)~

Violet Saki:"Well,I'm glad we're finally able to spend time like this together."

Leon Kuwata:"Same here!But um..when do you think it's good to hang out again?"

Violet Saki:"Well...tomorrow I have some family business going on.....then on Saturday,imma be meeting up with my friend again so....what about on Sunday?"

Leon Kuwata:"Sounds good to me."

Violet Saki:"Ok."

Just then,a car parked by the sidewalk with the window rolling down revealing one of Violet's older brothers,Ricardo Saki.

Ricardo Saki:"Come on you rotten orange,time for you to go home!"

Violet Saki:*Rolls eyes playfully*"Ok!Well,see you tomorrow Leon!"

Leon Kuwata:"Alright!See you!"

After I said that,Violet got inside of the car and then Ricardo drove away.

Leon Kuwata:*Sighs*"Welp,better start heading back..."

After I said that,I began walking back to the Hope's Peak area...

????'s POV~

As Leon Kuwata was out of my sight,I came out of my hiding spot from the shadows.

????:*Chuckling*"That idiot....does he really think he can hide that curse from me after that beat down he gave me?Pathetic....extremely pathetic.....but....I guess he'll be useful once that first full moon maybe....grab some of his blood....just so I can use it for myself....and to show my poor excuse of a twin brother that I'll be the better leader of the Takahashi Clan than he'll ever be....."

Right after I said that,I quickly disappeared back into the shadows.Heading back to the Takahashi Household where I'll start planning for my next move....

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