
3rd Person

In a house , in a small town near Vale, a young boy was playing with his older brother, this young boy, with light blue hair and eyes, was Y/N Jade (at the moment 14) and his older brother was Azure Jade (20). Azure was attending Beacon Academy to become a huntsman, he was seen as a prodigy for saving his family from a group of Grimm at the age of 14. Y/n on the other hand wanted nothing more than become a hero himself, but unfortunately he didnt have a Semblance that allows him to shot lasers , like his brother, or teleport like his mother, or lifting object with telekinesis like his dad and aunt, no his semblance makes other people just straight on ignore him, to help him on his way to become a hero. His parents always told him : " Just be like your brother and you wish will come true." this hurt him alot, they didnt tell him to 'just be yourself' or 'if you work hard enough' no they compared him to his brother like always. Since the day Azure saved them from these Grimm, he was in the center of all the attention. Whenever Y/N brought home a good mark his parents were praising his brother for succeeding in another simple mission, when Y/n wanted to train with his brother , his dad always said "dont distract him from his training/studies, BUT if Y/n did something bad his family suddenly acknowledge his existence. Like this time, the blue haired boy had a fight with one of the many bullies in his school and the teachers called his parents. Right now he was sitting at the dinner table while his parents were holding one of their typical speeches.

Ivory (mom): "Do you have any idea what you have done?" she asked Y/n.

'If i tell them that the boy beat me up and i just defended myself they wont believe me' the boy thought. Sighing he answered: "Yes, i beat someone up."

Krim (Dad): "What were you thinking? You do know that this will minder you chances of getting into Beacon, right?"

Y/N: "Yes dad, i know and im sorry." he said hanging his head. He tried holding his tears and anger in, every time he does something good he gets a simple 'aha' or a sarcastic 'oh great' from his parents but if he makes a small mistake, even if it was justified he gets his ears pulled and a slap on his wrist, but what his mom said next was enough for him to snap.

Ivory: "Why cant you just be like your brother?" Every time something like this happens they ask this question, every time he was compared to Azure.

Y/N looked up at his parents, with anger and tears in his eyes. 'Why cant that just accept me as i am?' : "BECAUSE IM NOT HIM" he shouted as he jumped up from his seat, making the chair fall to the side. "IM NOT AZURE AND I NEVER WILL BE." his anger could be heard in the whole house. "IM Y/N AND THAT WILL NEVER CHA-" his shout was interrupted by a slap from his father.

Krim: "Young man, dont you dare raise you voice. Not once in the 20 year of his life did Azure-" this time he gets interrupted by Y/N.

Y/N: "AZURE THIS, AZURE THAT. I HAVE IT TO HERE WITH AZURE." he holds a hand other his head and storms to his room tears streaming down his face.

Ivory: "ONE WEEK OF HOUSE ARREST FOR YOU YOUNG MAN." she shouts after him.

This was the first time he actually talked back to his parents, the first time he voiced a complain and what does he get? Another week of house arrest and another comparison to his older, better, stronger, smarter brother. 'Speaking of the devil and he shall arrive.' thought Y/N after his brother entered his room, looking at his younger brother.

Azure: "Y/n ,bro, tell me the whole story." he sounded desperate, desperate to find a sliver of good in what his younger brother had done.

Y/N : "Do you want to know or is it to give me another great story of your good deeds?" he asked while looking at Azure with cold emotionless eyes.

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