The end

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So I think it's fair to say that this book is complete. Currently, I'm at 27k and I couldn't thank you all more for getting me there and supporting me and my writing during this whole process.

I started it Easter 2018, and it's been a great couple of months. But unfortunately now, I'm just not super into the It cast anymore. Even though they all still have a special place in my heart do.

But since I'm not really in that fandom anymore, I don't feel like I can write here anymore because I'm just not inspired anymore. Plus, I don't want this book to be overwhelmingly long.

I have some other books that I'm still pretty active in. If you're interested in The Bohemian Rhapsody movie, Ben hardy, Bo Burnham, or Rami Malek, I would highly suggest checking them out.

So that's all I need to say. But once again, thank you all so much.


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