22- Changing

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He walks in on you changing


-blushing like crazy
-slams his hand over his eyes
-"Wyatt, you've seen me naked" "well yeah. But I had permission to see you then." "You saying you needed consent?" He nods, "you are the actual cutest person in the world" you say, kissing his gently while still half naked
He is the cutest tho asdfgeswkejs


-compliments your boobs
-"hey hottie"
-"bye?" You say, before he pouts and leaves
-though first, he stops at the door, does the phone hand thing 🤙 to his ear, and mouths 'call me'
-doesn't close the door on his way out
-you shake your head, smiling, while getting ready


-blushes even more than Wy
-you smile "it's okay Jaeden"
-boner city. Population, Liberher
-tries to sneak looks at you even though he doesn't have to
-leaves quickly, mumbling "sorry"


-smirks and tries to convince you that you don't need clothes
-"no, jack, I have to. There's like a law, or something."
-he keeps trying shit before you get fed up and kick him out


-literally doesn't care, you guys both do this on each other all the time
-"damn, you're hot"
-carries on a normal conversation
-he goes through your underwear drawer
-"why don't you wear this more often?" He asks, holding up the most revealing lingerie you own
-"Nicholas, shut the fuck up."

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