27- CATCH UP - Sophia

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Fav Disney/ Pixar movie-
Mulan, and Ratatouille

Fav physical feature of her-
Her hair. Her hair is winter fire, January embers. My heart burns there too. It always smells like Rosemary and Mint. She only uses that scented shampoo, the expensive kind from the cute little hair salon down the road. Also, it's so soft, she likes to let you play with her hair when she's stressed, so you've gotten to know her short red locks very well.

Her hugs-
-she grabs you by your head with one hand and pulls it to her chest
-she puts her other hand around your waist.
-with your ear against her heart, if your sad, you will relax and calm down.

-dom, even if she doesn't seem like the type. She is
-she always helps with your needs, but she loves to get herself what she wants too because she always does everything for others outside of the bedroom
-finds joy in whatever you do to show her you feel good

Your bday gift-
-a homemade spa set. With sugar scrubs, soaps, face masks, bubble bath, and also some of that shampoo and conditioners from the salon she gets hers at
-a movie night at her house
-you build a pillow fort in her bedroom
-and watch all of your favorite movies for the 24 hours of your birthday

You're sick-
-secretly a doctor
-checking your temperature
-making you your favorite soup
-supplying you with Ginger ale and other tummy settlers

You got your period-
-your cycles are synced, however yours is heavier and she barely experiences cramps so she still likes to help you
-gives you a foot massage
-you buy each other their favorite snacks

Fav photo of her-

finds out you're pregnant- not doing this one for obvious reasons

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finds out you're pregnant-
not doing this one for obvious reasons

Meeting your child (adopted toddler)-
-"hi honey!"
-giving them hugs, as if they came out of her own vagina
-"y/n. This is the one. We need them really bad." "I love them too. But unfortunately is not that simple-" "thisssss oneeeee"

Someone walks in on you during sex-
-she kind of just stares at them awkwardly before they leave the room
-you two can't stop giggling
-and can't finish what you started

Who she's dating (horiscope)-
Leo, cancer, Capricorn

Yours- wifey, love, baby

Hers- lily, Lillis, Bevvy, red

Beverly Marsh reaction-
-"oh my god, she's so cute, I love her." "Thanks?"
-you try to write her a poem like ben did
-"damn your dad is creepy as fuck."
-praising her for killing her dad
-"so you didn't do the orgy?" "Uh, no... that was left in the book." "Good. Cause I'd be so damn jealous right now...but not of the orgy part. You know what I mean."

First I love you-
-heat of the moment kind of thing
-at her house, things get heated
-she pauses from your make out sesh
-she gives you an award winning smile, and her bright baby blues shine at you.
-"you know I love you?" She says
-your heart skips a beat. You can't believe Sophia said this to you. TO YOU.
-"I love you too Sophie."

Promise ring-

You two on set--playing tag and hide and seek-she gets in trouble, and she gets kicked out

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You two on set-
-playing tag and hide and seek
-she gets in trouble, and she gets kicked out. So you have to go with her since you're her guest.
-they film scenes she's not in instead
-you go to a diner instead, tell stories, and share a milkshake and garlic fries.

-you sleep in a hug, facing each other
-her holding you in her embrace, and you snaking your hand around her waist.
-when she can't sleep, you trace patterns on her back
-she does the same for you

Living together-
-she's like your mom
-you're the one getting yelled at for not helping
-and then you help immediately, so she doesn't get more mad

Butt touching-
-she slightly shrieks when you do that
-then later, she pinched your butt.
-just for the purpose of scaring you

Walks in on you changing-
-"...nice boobs. Anyway-"
-you honestly do not care because you're also best friends and you do this all the time.

With your siblings-
-is a huge cutie with them
-a better sibling than you are tbh
-"y/n, can Sophia PLEASE come over? She so fantastic. And-"

And Sophia joined the group. Yay!

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