25- Jae || SECRETS

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"Y/n, id like you to meet Jaeden. Jae, I'd like you to meet y/n." Y/f (your friend) simpered. You exchanged a look between the boy standing in front of you.  One that conveyed a message with no words, yet, you seemed to understand each other perfectly.

"Actually-" you started, before y/f cut you off,

"Come on, y/n. Shake hands." She said, before he awkwardly shook your hand.

"..uh, good." She said, "ill be over there. Get a conversation going." She left you alone with him.

"Well," he laughed, one he only does in blundering conversations, "That was...interesting." He smiled and you did too.

"If by interesting you mean horribly, painfully awkward, then yes. I agree with you totally." I smiled, and he chuckled. An actual laugh. An adorable one.

"You know," He said, "they all think we should date." You simply grinned.

"Well, they've got a-"

"Y/N, JAE, GET OVER HERE. WE ARE PLAYING A GAME." I heard screamed from the living room. I simply sighed, signaled for him to follow me, and cantered into the room with him.

We sat down on the couch.

"What game are we playing?" I asked, Jaeden next to me discreetly rested his hand on mine. The connection we shared was undeniable, at least to us.

"Truth or dare." y/f said. "You first."

I nodded, ready. "Dare." I said confidently,

"I dare you... to do 7 minutes I heaven with Mr Lieberher, over there." She said, pointing to Jae.

"You sure?" Someone asked her, "I mean, they kinda just met."

"I'll do it."I said, nonchalantly, trying to hide how happy I was. They looked a little shocked, but I gained joy from that. I walked, attempting to flirt by swinging your hips, and failed. I ended up looking like a walrus, flopping on a hot rock in the sun.

I stepped foot into the small room which I would be confined in for the next seven minutes of my life. Jaeden walked quickly behind, and shutting the door behind himself.

Two seconds in, he had pushed me against the wall, and began kissing my neck, moving up slowly, and landing on my lips, and slipping some tongue into my mouth.

I moaned into the kiss, and rubbed my hands up and down his torso.

"Wait," He said, pulling apart from me and looking down at his hands. He played with them for a moment as I pouted because I was no longer connected to him.

"What?" I asked, though I kind of already knew what he was waiting for. He looked at me with his eyebrow, the one with a attractive slit in it, and his eyes gleamed with worry. I couldn't help but admire him. For the way lights hit the high points on his face, setting a holy effect on his face. The way that when he laughed, his face would crinkle up and his head would be thrown back. The way that when he was really listening to someone, he would gently rest his tongue against his top row of teeth and his mouth grow agape. You couldn't help but notice these. Things you wouldn't notice if you haven't met before today like everyone thought you did. Unless...

"When are we gonna tell them all that we've been dating for a year and a half?"

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