15- reacting to him in The It Movie

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-"wait... what does happen during a Bar Mitzfah?" "I'm... not actually sure completely." "Oh."
-"dude, you should've punched him in the dick."
-constantly getting shushed by the audience
-because you keep telling Wyatt what Stan should have done in various situations

-high fiving him at all of his one liners
-making fun of his glasses
-^and hair
-"are you actually scared of clowns?" "*gulps* no"
-*in pain some other day* "you probably have a staph infection" "that is so not funny"

-calling him stuttering bill everyday forward
-forcing him to stutter
-then you laughing at him
-"HE DIDNT DESERVE THIS SHIT!" *everyone else in the audience*: "YEAH"
-hugs him during his speech at the Well house, "walking into this house, for me, is easier than walking into mine."
-you start crying^^ and he laughs at you

-quoting his lines constantly
-*he says anything* "THEY'RE GAZEBOS!"
-*he tries to kiss you later* "DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH ME*
-*he asks where something is* "oh they're in my second Fanny pack"

-"why are you such a douche bag?"
- laughing at his mullet
-"woah I forgot you were Australian for a sec... that's a good fake accent"
-"fuck, that dudes a douche... I'd stab him too."
-you hug Jeremy and the others next time you see him because they're precious children who don't need that abuse
-confused if you should be happy or not when he dies
-settling on happy, and he glares at you

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