19- Sleeping

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How you sleep together 😴


-he's big spoon
-he has his arms wrapped around your waist and yours are resting just on top of his
-his forehead is gently resting on your shoulder
-light snores escape his lips, sometimes when your awake you just listen to him because he's so cute
-gentle shoulder kisses when your half asleep


-your backs to each other
-legs tangled in a huge mess under you
-he talks in his sleep, and sometimes you listen to him and try to pick out words and sentences. -You hear him talking about you occasionally
-if either of you has a nightmare, the other will cuddle them until they fall asleep


-he sleeps on his back
-you on your side cuddled up against him
-your head is resting on your chest and your hand is resting on his tummy
-he has his arm looped around your waist
-he complains about his arm getting numb when he wakes up, but he doesn't change anything about how you sleep because he likes how you look when your asleep on his chest


-you both have trouble sleeping
-so at nights you go into the early morning talking about both nothing and everything
-but when you do fall aleep, you like your space.
-He gently kisses you
-^^before you both go to your own sides of the bed


-he sleeps on his back
-your on top of him with your head on his chest
-you have your arms around his neck
-his arms are snaked around your waist
-as you fall asleep he gently kisses your head before he slips to unconsciousness with you

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