57 - height

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Im writing this from the perspective of a 5'2 person... so it's probably not perfect to you...sorry. Im 5'0 But I thought that that would apply to even less so 🤷‍♀️

- he's 4 in. taller
- even when you stand on your tiptoes to kiss him, he still has to lean down ever so slightly.
- his arm rests on your shoulders, and he pulls you into his armpit. This is your natural position when together, and he loves it.

- he's 6 in. taller
- he calls you shortie, and kisses the top of your head.
- he likes to put his elbow on your shoulder and tell you short jokes. But you're a good sport and laugh along with him.

- he's 3 in. taller
- it's not a huge difference but he acts like he's a giant around you, because he's one of the shortest of his friends.
- he loves how your head perfectly rests on his shoulder, and he can put his head on yours. It's like a puzzle that's fit perfectly together.

- he's an inch taller
- he's so fucking happy to learn that because he IS the shortest of his friend group.
- "OH MY GOD LOOK HOW TINY!" "Jack shut up. I'm not done growing so don't get too cocky." "I'm not either ;))) sooo"

- you're 2 inches taller
- she loves it. She likes feeling protected, even though she's a badass lady who can protect herself and she knows it.
- cuddling is a breeze because it's barely a difference, you fit together perfectly. Like you were made to.

- he's 6 inches taller (does anyone know how tall he is?? I can't find it anywhere...I'm just guessing.)
- he loves to pick you up, just cause. He thinks your adorably small, and likes bending down to kiss you.
- he makes jokes about your height, but only completely harmless ones. Could you expect harmful ones? With chosen? Nah.

- you are the same height.
- it sort of disappoints him, but he'll live. Not the end of the world.
- he loves cuddling, and he's fortunate that there is no huge height difference to make that difficult.

- he's 8 inches taller
- he loves to make jokes to you, and to pick you up. Which you hate. (THE WORST PART ABOUT BEING SHORT)
- he leans down to kiss, even when you're on your tiptoes.
- "I almost fell over! It's so far down." "Fuck you."

- this boy... A FOOT AND 2 INCHES TALLER
- you're always confused. When your lying down, you don't notice a difference. And then you both stand up and it's like your looking at the Empire State Building.
-bitch, you gotta stand on a table to kiss him. Well no. But he likes to pick you up to make kidding more manageable. Hey, whatever works.

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