20- Moving in together

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He moves in with you (or the opposite) and this is how he behaves


-going live for like all of it and you end up doing a lot of the work
-"Wyatt." "What." "Get off your fucking ass and help me"
-you end his stream so he gets up and helps
-once you're all settled, you always play video games together, and cook together, and nap together. It's super freaking cute
-does laundry and dishes more than you do.
-You always thank him with kisses and stuff because you hate chores so much.


-he buys you welcoming gifts and balloons to celebrate you being with him always
-when you have trouble sleeping, he plays lovely little songs on the guitar and softly sings along
-he always gets you whatever you want and he loves to spoil you. Meaning you get a pet pretty early on.
-pretends that laundry and dishes don't exist, and so do you so you never have clean clothes or plates
-they only get clean when your parents visit
-you start actually doing them when your mom yells at you both


-he is always trying to make you feel happy
-^^ he leaves out fresh flowers in all of the rooms, buys and sets out clothes for you when he wants to do something, plays your favorite music on the radio, ect.
-whenever you pass each other in your house, he insists on hugging you and kissing your cheek, always getting a giggle from you
-^^ he does this all for about the first month. Then things get pretty chill.
-always do laundry and dishes when you ask him to


-he is always fucking with you and your always the victim of stupid pranks (and is broadcasted live)
-then you punch him on his shoulder and everyone in the comments starts dying
-to apologize he makes you lots of your favorite foods
-after you live with him for a while, these jokes become something you are used to and you barely bat an eye when one happens
-you live very fun lives the day he moves in and forward
-but he never fucking does dishes or laundry


-he attacks you with a bear hug the moment you move in.
-he's telling you frequently through the next week how thrilled he is to have you living with him
-like Jae, he gets you fresh flowers. But only for important occasions, and the biggest one ones on your birthday, anniversary, and the anniversary of the day you moved in
-Wyatt's over almost constantly and he turns into your best friend, and he earns the nickname ramen-head from you and he says "you're just like your boyfriend"
-sex. All the time. Everywhere.
-he does dishes and laundry, but only like twice a week

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