37 - bikini || losers

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The losers (+some others too) seeing you in a bikini/bra and underwear

"Oh my god I'm sorry I'm late!" You yelled, throwing your bike down and frantically unbuttoning your dress.
"It's really no- no big deal." He said, with a small stutter. He was the last one waiting at the top of the cliff at the quarry. He was waiting for you. He quickly looked you up and down. You winked at him, and he looked away, embarrassed.
"Woah, stuttering stan." You smirked before winking at him and jumping into the water from the high ledge.
Fuck she's hot, is the thought racing through the boy's head before he jumps in after you.
When he landed, water splashed you.
"It's so cold!" You whined, he swam over to you and hugged you to warm you up. And he was surprisingly warm.
"You look beautiful." He whispered.

He was arguing with Eddie about who won the Loogie game when you showed up with your bike. When he looked at you you were stripped down in your bra and underwear as if it was nothing.
"Oh, hey babe?" He said, awkwardly winking. You smiled and shoved yourself into the line along the edge of the cliff. You then spat, it was gross to look at. Fatter than the others and went farther than the others.
"I win." You said, rubbing it in with a toothy grin. Then, you pushed him in the water, causing him to curse like a sailor the whole way down. You chuckled slightly before the losers greeted you and you all jumped in to join the trash mouth.
"I HAD A PERFECT JUMP. I ALREADY KNOW IT." He screamed. You laughed slightly.
"Sure you did."
"Yours was fine. Extra points for your outfit."
You smiled, before remembering you weren't wearing any real clothes. You splashed him, before he mumbled something about him deserving it.

The boys were sitting on the rocks, watching the girls sun bathe. There was music playing from the boom box and you and Beverly were in your underwear and bras, drying off after jumping into the water. Most of them were looking at Bev, you noticed. Which caused you to feel slightly self conscious. But on the other hand, they were your best friends... you thought it might be a little weird. But when you glanced to the boys, you noticed bill staring at you. Heat rose to your cheeks, and when he saw you noticed he looked away. Bev turned her head, causing all the boys to look away embarrassed. So you both got up, you sat next to bill and she sat next to Ritchie.
"I thought you liked Bev." You whispered. A ghost of a smile flickered over his face.
"I-I like you." He said. Which nearly made your heart explode.

You were leaving the quarry after jumping in the water. Though the others were staying, you had an 'urgent' thing happening, well, urgent according to your mom. You were slipping on your jeans. Your skin was dry from sunbathing, but your underwater still was wet. Causing you to groan at the non comforting feeling in jeans over them. The boys were confused but Beverly laughed as she understood, Eddie was admiring you. And you weren't fully dressed. You said goodbye while putting a t shirt on, and they all repeated it, all but Eddie. You rode away on your bike, the people started looking at the book ben had about Derry's weird history. Eddie clutched his inhaler, and breathed in the medication.
"Y-you scared eds?" Bill asked. Eddie thought of you, and then he thought of his plan to ask you out for a date tomorrow.

You were at the quarry, everyone else was in underwear. But you felt too self conscious to do that.
"This sounds wrong...but why aren't you naked?" Beverly finally spoke up, causing you to slightly grin, but heat rose to your cheeks.
"Um..." you trailed off.
"Cause I don't wanna pressure you? But you are so beautiful y/n," she said with a laugh, "you literally have nothing to be self conscious about. If that's the problem." She finished. This made a grin grow on your face, a big one. You began to pull your dress off.
"Thanks, Bev." You smiled, though you still covered your stomach slightly. She pulled you into a hug and gently kissed the top of your head. You dropped your arms from your stomach and soon everyone jumped into the water. When you reached the water, she grabbed your hand.

You were at his family's farm, just outside town (because mike wasn't at the quarry). He was cleaning up a sheep pen, and you were sitting on the wooden fence of it. Admiring him. He caught you, smirked, and you didn't mind.
"It's so fucking hot." You said, using your hand to fan yourself. He thought for a moment.
"I got a sprinkler. We could use that if you want..?" He said, finishing shoveling the hay. You nodded quickly.
"But what about your grandpa?" You asked, won't he get in trouble? He shrugged as if to say, he doesn't have to find out. He got the sprinkler and turned it on, causing the cold water to spring up like fireworks. You quickly stripped into the bikini you had under your clothes, you kind of assumed something like this would happen today. You saw him staring, admiring you. You smirked,
"Come here." You smiled, he walked over and you roughly kissed him, your arms around his neck. You stayed there until the water from the sprinkler sprayed you and startled you. You both laughed.
"Mike!" His grandpa said. You both looked guilty. But when he saw you with him, he thought for a moment.
"Never mind." He smiled, "have fun." So you did, playing in the water 'till mike thought you'd get hypothermia. Yes, he was worried, but he still absolutely loved to see you looking like that, he thought you were so fucking perfect.

You were sitting on the rocks of the quarry, looking at the book of derry's strange history. They were looking at pictures. Creepy ones. And since you're a scardy cat, you were slightly scared and very uncomfortable. You grabbed his hand tightly, mostly because his was the nearest one. He looked at you, and tried to hide his very obvious actions of checking you out.
"You look beautiful." He said. This wouldn't normally be the time for this, but it was nice. It brought your mind to a different thing, to stop thinking of what scares you. You tried to not pay attention to him very obviously putting his backpack over his...lap.

That awkward bean.

"Where are you?" Henry asked, through the phone attached to your kitchen wall,
"Home, I was just going to get into my hot tub. Why?"
"...can I come over?" He asked, you smiled and nodded, forgetting he can't see. You said yeah, and he hung up, heading over. You got some grapes, and before you even finished your handful, Henry was at your door. You opened it.
"Why are you here so fast? Did you run?" You asked with a chuckled.
"Yeah. I got excited to see you,"He said, then he reached over and squeezed your butt, making you jump, then giggle, "I wanted to see you in this. You home alone?"
You smirked and nodded. He lit up, grabbed your hand and led you to the...hot tub? Interesting. But you stopped him.
"What's the problem?"
"I gotta finish my grapes." You said, beginning to eat them really slowly. He groaned, impatiently.
You love teasing that horny mother fucker.

Pennywise (hehe... PSA, he isn't attracted to you in this. Please don't fuck  any demon entities.)
(Imagine you're Stan's sister, and you convince him to play in the rain w/ your swimsuits. He was worried you'd get hypothermia.)
It was in the sewers. Lurking within the darkness, just waiting for the little boy in his yellow rain jacket to lose his paper boat, and be Pennywise's first meal of the year. But instead of the little splashing of that denbrough kids rain boots. He heard the giggling of a girl.
"Stan." She laughed, "lighten up a little bit."
He crept up to the opening of the sewer drain. He saw her in a pink bikini, and her brother in blue trunks. He was trying not to smile, but he couldn't help but grin and join his bubbly sister in jumping in the puddles.
"I've never harvested a girl before." Pennywise said quietly to himself. He watched that Stanley kid catch his sister in a hug close to his chest when she slipped, right before she hit the cement, then they both burst into a fit of laughter. His lips slowly pointed into his haunting smile as his decision was finalized.
Y/n Uris is going to be his first meal in 27 years.

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