43 - dating wyatt would include

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+him 'going easy on you' at games...it's just to excuse the fact you're beating his ass
+him playing piano for you
+posting them on Socials and he gets embarrassed
+trying to cook
+"...so noodles aren't supposed to be sticky?" "No...wy, no."
+helping him with his dumb ass skits
+"...really?" "ITS HILARIOUS WTF YOU ON?"
+doing lives together
+he accidents says something inappropriate while live
+*dies inside* "IT WAS A JOKE GUYS IM SORRY"
+him making you a playlist and ITS DOPE ASF
+having dance parties, then a slow song starts
+he gets you to slow dance with him in your living room alone
+PDA, he loves to show everyone that your his
+grabs your ass around your friends, but barely touches you around family
+he teaches you how to play basketball
+you keep trying to get Chris Pratt's number
+"COME ON I NEED IT" "I DONT HAVE HIS NUMBER OMG" "yes you do" "nope."
+tweeting about each other constantly
+you get to straighten his hair
+s o f t k i s s e s
+gentle hugs

I need to stop before I get carRIED AWAY IM SORRY I LOVE WYATT

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