33- Bill || SET

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Sorry for having two bill imagines almost in a row lol I've been having rlly intense feels for him sooo

You surprise him on set

I looked at myself in the mirror to the hotel. I smoothed out my pants and took a deep breath.

Why was I nervous?

It was one bills last day on set, so I decided to surprise him.

I left the hotel in lovely Toronto. The cold weather wasn't something I was used to, but the recently fallen snow has given everything it touched a clean and fresh vibe. Something I could easily get used to.

I hopped in the Uber I had ordered, and directed the driver to the address I've gotten from Wyatt (who has andy's permission). Everyone but him is aware that I'm coming.

I stepped into the large building and saw Wyatt immediately.

"Wyatt!" I whisper-yelled, and he smiled and walked over to me.

"Hey." I said, and he said hi as well.

"He's in this room over here." He said, pointing. "Follow me."

I followed Ramen head to a the part of set which was the sewers, towards the end of the movie.

I scanned the room but quickly found the orange tufts of hair on the only giant here, and knew that was obviously my boyfriend. He was talking to andy.

So I did what any good girlfriend would do. I tackled him.

I sprinted towards him and hopped on his back, causing him to lose balance and we toppled onto the hard floor.

He groaned but I giggled.

"What the fu-" he said, stopping when he realized it was me. He lit up. "Oh my god." He said with a smile, hugging me once more. Just a creepy ass clown and his girlfriend hugging and rolling around on the floor.. casual. I know.

I saw tears brim his orange contacted eyes, but they never actually slipped down his prosthetic cheek.

"I missed you so much, y/n." He said, and a tear fell down mine.

"I missed you too, billy."

"SHES HERE!" I heard Nicholas scream, followed by a stampede of teenagers running towards the two of us.

"Oh my god," Sophia said, "you're so pretty! You're bill's girlfriend?"

"Yeah, I'm y/n. Nice to meet you." I said, sitting up and sticking out my hand for her to shake, which she did.

"Damn. She's way out of your league." Finn said, jack punched him in the arm. Bill and I both giggled.

"As a clown, maybe." I smiled, "but in real life, it's quite the opposite."

I kissed him gently on his plump lips, getting a light layer of red paint on mine. The children's reaction was a mix of 'aw's and 'ew's.

"When do you get this off?" I said, using my hands to emphasize his makeup.

"He's getting it taken off in a minute or so." Nic answered for him. I smiled.


"Let me go get it off," he said standing up, "and then we can go do something."

I nodded, and he left. Leaving me alone with the kids.

"Can we take a selfie?" Jaeden asked, and I nodded happily. Nic took it because he has the longest arms. I smiled hugging all of them at once.

Nic posted it on his Instagram page, captioned.

"Met Skarsgård's girlfriend today. How did he get a girl like this XD #mom"

"Ready to go?" Bill said, after the close to an hour of waiting and hanging out with the kids. However, I didn't mind. The simple presence of this kids rejuvenated me.

He had his hair styled, no makeup, and was nicely dressed. With suave, he swept his hair from his face and broke out a sunshiny smile. Beautiful.

"Fuck." I said, an obvious desire within that phrase. I lecherously snaked my arm around his waist, and got up on my top toes to kiss his jaw.

"Language, y/n" he chuckled,

"Bill, every sentence we say in this movie has that word in it." Nic chuckled.

"He's right." I gulped, is it hot in here or is that just him? "We gotta go." I said, we both hugged all the kids before I quickly grabbed his hand and started walking away to bring him to my hotel room.

Finn shouted after us, "REMEMBER TO USE PROTECTION!"


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