39 - hate

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You get h8 and he's not having it

I was sitting on my bed, crying. I've seen some nasty shit on twitter recently. Wyatt barged in, holding up a new Mario Oddessy game.
"Look what I-" he paused and switched to a softer voice, "y/n, baby, what's wrong?" He asked, throwing the game on the ground. shutting the door, and sitting next to me. He automatically hugged my and i buried my face into his shoulder. Turning the red fabric of his Canada hoodie a darker shade, dampened by my tears. He rubbed my back, and I looked up at him with sad eyes.
"I'm sorry, I just saw hate and...I was overwhelmed...you know I can't stand people hating me at all, but seeing death threats?" I said, before I was overcome by sadness once again, and he pulled me into another hug. Soon he kicked me out, and I had an idea of what he was doing. I pulled up my instagram, and sure enough he just went live. I joined, and he was looking at the camera with fury, and his eyebrows furrowed.
"Hey guys," He said, "I've seen some things around and -I don't want to sound like a mom- but I'm not happy. You know, I get supporting people you like, but how is hurting the people they love support?"
I smiled at the camera, and wiped away the last of my tears with the sleeve of his hoodie.
"My girlfriend will kill me for telling you, but she was just in here, sobbing into my shoulder, because some of y'all are being little bitches. Sending my girlfriend death threats? Commenting on her personality or appearance? Not cool. Just know, true support means the world. You should get the hashtag, #welovey/n trending. I love you guys, just don't be dicks. Bye." And with that, he ended the stream. I sprinted into his room and tackled him and he laughed and hugged me tightly. I was almost crying again, but this time with love and happiness. And soon enough, #welovey/n was trending on twitter.

Finn walked in and saw me on the kitchen floor, he looked into my eyes for a split second and saw how drained I was. I was tired. I was done. He didn't say anything at first, instead, he sat on the floor by me and put my head in his lap. He rubbed my head, and played with my hair.
"What happened?" He finally, quietly asked. Then tears pricked the corners of my eyes, I whispered, "check Twitter."
So he did, he opened Twitter, and trending #3 was the hashtag, #makey/nkillherself and trending #4 is #finndeserves better. He gasped, and immediately starting typing. His facial expression became furious. You read it when it was tweeted.
"#makey/nkillherself? #finndeservesbetter? Fucking really guys? I don't want to see this. If I do, you'll get blocked. I love y/n so much. She doesn't deserve this. If you have any negative opinions, please keep it to your damn self. Dissa-fucking-pointed." He put his phone away, and leaned down to kiss you.
"I love you, finnie."
"I love you too."

Jae (his POV)
(Trigger warning: this talks about suicide...sorry if it's too deep. If so just skip to jack, it's okay)
I walked into our house, and called for my girlfriend. No answer. I checked briefly in every room that would be an obvious place for her to be. I shrugged and went to the kitchen, so I could start cooking dinner. I got out a pan and some butter, then I went over to the window and opened the blinds. I saw y/n sitting on the brick railing which kept us from falling from our 12th floor balcony. Too close to the edge. My jaw dropped. I dropped the butter I had in my hand, and sprinted to the balcony.
"Y/n?" I asked, she slowly turned her head to reveal red, puffy eyes, and mascara stained cheeks.
"What's wrong?" I asked, approaching her, "please don't be so close to the edge." I said with panic. She ignored me.
"It's the hate, Jae." She sniffled, "I know you've always been so good at handling it. But this has been around me for my whole life. People have always hated me. I was suicidal for most of my life. Then I saw something from one of your fans telling me to kill myself, it had hundreds of likes. You know what my brain said?" She asked, "what?" I asked cautiously.
"It told me, not a bad idea." She cried, and looked down at the drop.
"Y/n, I'm not kidding. Get off the fucking ledge. I love you so much please don't do this." I whispered. She looked at me and saw my brokenness in my eyes. She reluctantly climbed down and I hugged her so tightly.
"I love you so much, y/n. Please stay off social media for a while."
"I love you too...thank you, Jae."

That was shit I'm sorry ^

I was scrolling on my twitter feed to see something. Something I haven't seen in a while, hate.
"Oh my god y/n l/n isn't ever cute lmao did she fucking make jack a voodoo doll to make him go out with her?😵😂"
I smirked, whatever makes you feel better sweetie.
"Yo jack!" I called, he care in, his hand messing with his hair.
"What wrong?"
"Nothing. Come look." I said, he walked over and read the tweet. He looked pissed. He pulled out his phone, but I stopped him.
"Wait, no. Let me be petty first." I grinned, I retweeted it, and responded.
"Yeah, I do have a voodoo doll of him. And I have one of you. OOH maybe I should get yours a voodoo boyfriend so you can stop whining over the fact that you aren't with mine. 🐸☕️"
Jack smiled and fist bumped you.
"You're so perfect," he smiled.
"I know you." You grinned. Haters gonna hate, so it's never bothered you. It's never gonna stop so why try? Instead, you have a little fun with it.

Ooh these are so long so I don't feel like writing more of these lol sorry. I might do a part to of this w/ the others but I feel like I listed all of the outcomes of getting hate. So maybe not

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