18- You two on set

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-he's good at being professional when he needs to be
-but the second he doesn't ^, he's all over you
-not super into PDA, likes it 30% of the time
-he likes hand holding and quick pecks
-you play with his hair while he lays between your legs during downtime
-cuddling in someone's trailer (not necessarily his)

-70% into PDA. Most things he'd do with you, he'd do in public (but there's still boundaries)
-he's doing scenes while you come in late
-make-out when he finished and he playfully punches you for being late
-on the IT set, he puts Ritchie's glasses and you take weird selfies

-the most professional of all the boys
-can control himself around you when he's working
-15% into pda, he prefers all intimate things to be just between you, but if he's jealous it's 95% and he'll do whatever
-wave at you from his chair
-gives you small kisses when in front of people
-he pulls you aside into a trailer to talk and be with each other when he can

-is a fucking three year old
-"hey y/n! Look at this!"
-wears eddies fanny pack around when he doesn't have to, has completely weird stuff in it
-legit pulled a hot pocket out of that thing when you said you were hungry

-the least professional
-you both almost got sent away because he wasn't getting anything done
-he'll be making stupid faces at you, trying to make you laugh, from across the room
-fucking in Wyatt's trailer
-getting caught and Wyatt threatens to sue 

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