86 - how you know they like you

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-stares at you endlessly and wants to talk with you all the time
-asks the most random stuff about you and your life
-shares private things with you
-"I cried for at least an hour after watching toy story three." "Who didn't?"

-quieter at first
-but then starts "pampering" you and giving you unexpected gifts.
-genuinely and openly worries about your well being
-"are you okay?" "Yeah, I just didn't get much sleep last night." "whY NOT?"

-talks about the silliest And stupidest things with you
-acts goofy and cares so much about what you think of them
-talks about you 24/7
-gets really excited to talk to you

-insists to hang out with you
-gets you close to his friends (but not too close, you know he's a jealous boi)
-compliments you and always pays extra attention to what you say.

-blushes, stares, and laughs a lot
-tells you her secrets
-tries to be around you as much as possible

-holds your hands and plays with your hair
-he's a natural flirt, but he'll unknowingly show more interest with you.

-always looking at you, but trying not to get caught
-very attentive and caring
-tries to help you with everything, no matter how busy he is.

- "jokes" about how you should kiss
-asks you millions of questions, trying to learn everything about you that he can.

-mindfully listens to you and your view points
-is curious about your interests
-goes out of his way to spend more time with you
-"hmm, didn't expect to see you here?" "The grocery store I go to? Why are you even here?you live on the other side of the city." "I do? Huh. Interesting."

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