84 - baby sitting

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You're a babysitter, and you bring them.

-he's really good with kids, because he acts 5 constantly
-plays dolls, legos, whatever
-gives them piggyback rides
-they like him more than you afterwards
-the next time:
"Is it just you? Is Wyatt here?"
"Uh, no."
"Dang it."

-he's super shy, but wants to make a good first impression
-he kinda sits awkwardly on the couch as you play with them,
-but then you convince him to play, he reluctantly does
-and eventually, you meet the same fate as Wyatt

-is a great babysitter, he doesn't even know it
-however... he gets excited and yells a lot, scaring them because they're really little,
-they start crying and you have to comfort them, and he feels really bad
-but then the kid forgets about it

-is overwhelming and wild
-like Finn, but it kinda doesn't stop, and you have to kick him out
-"I'm sorry [kid], he doesn't know when to stop sometimes."
-you scold him when you two are alone again

-she's better than you
-she ends up doing the heavy lifting, and you kinda feel bad since you're the one getting paid
-"I'm sorry Soph." "No, it's okay. You'd do it wrong anyway." "What's that supp-" "I love you"

-you think the girl you're babysitting has a crush on him
-but I mean, who doesn't?
-she brings him toys and makes him play with her, which he happily obliged
-you wonder, is it bad I feel threatened by a three year old?

-the kid falls asleep on him cause he's like a cute lil teddy bear
-you put them to bed, and kinda just shrug and chill around their house
-"that was easy"

-the kid has fun with Nic, and Nic has fun too
-but then he steps on a lego and swears like a sailor
-then the kid repeats it
-you guys panic, ooof
-damn it Nic

-the kids sort of intimidated be him because he's a fuckin giant
-but they see how sweet he is and falls in love with him as a babysitter
-he convinces you to put them to bed together, earlier than normal
-and you watch movies 

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