Missing Faunus

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Ruby P.O.V.

I was at my dorm with team JNPR, Violet, Jack, Sindra, and my team, trying to figure out a way to capture (Y/N).

Ruby:"Sooo does anybody have any idea how we're going to capture (Y/n)."

Sindra:"Jack worked on a plan all night."

Weiss:"Introduce it then."

Jack:"(Y/N) is a skilled hunter. Based on his claim of defeating Ms. Goodwitch and his strength that was shown with his match against Team CRDL he is not to be taken lightly."

Weiss:"We know that already."

Ruby:"Weiss let him finish."

Jack:"In addition we also have the book to support it."


Violet yelp causing me and the rest to turn t her.Her face was pale again.

Ruby:*Poor thing.*

Violet:"S-sorry please continue."

Jack:"So here is my plan.Team RWBY You will take (Y/N) to Vale to see the preparations of the Vital Festival, make any kind of excuse for him to go. Then when he's distracted you will try and separat-."

Knock, knock,knock.

Ruby:'Ill get it."

I stood up and went for the door and opened it only for my body to freeze up.

3rd P.O.V.

(Y/N):"Hey Ruby is my team here."



Jack:'We're here."

(Y/N):"Hey guys sorry about last night."

Jack:'Its alright."

(Y/N):'Ok good , well ill see you guys later."

Violet:'W-where are you g-going?"

(Y/N):"Hm, o, Ozpin needs me for something so im going to his office to check it out."

Violet:'O-o ok Be careful."

With that note you left.

Weiss:'Well there goes that plan."

Jack:'Dammit I forgot about Ozpin."

Sindra:"Its alright Jack."

Ruby:'So what now?"

Jack:'I'm going back to my dorm to think of a plan. You guys do whatever you want. Ill call you guys once i have a plan."

Yang:"Ok, come on girl talking about the festival made me want to go and visit it."

(Y/N) P.O.V.

Ozpin:"Good day (Y/N) I take it your mission was succ-."

Glynda:'Where were you? You where supposed to by back after you killed the beast not wait a whole night."

(Y/N):'Aww did somebody miss me."

Glynda:'Why you."

Ozpin:"Calm down Glynda im pretty sure (Y/N) had to have a reason for this."

Glynda:"It better be."

Ozpin:'Now (Y/N) could you explain why you took so long to arrive."

(Y/N):"Simple i got my clothes covered with the beast's blood so i had to wash it, and let me tell you werewolf blood is not the easiest thing to clean off. So it took me while and once i finished it was Late so i decided to wait till morning."

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