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"It's beautiful." Tess said with a straight face as she looked at my brand new engagement ring.

"What's wrong?" I asked her as I watched her sit down in the chair that sat in front of my desk.

"He's what's wrong, Cheryl. He's making you wait and he only bought that ring to confirm just that."

"Tess, I mean- when I look at it...waiting is okay. I'll do anything for him. You know that." I said as I smiled and admired my ring.

"Yeah but what about you? Have you ever sat down and thought about what you wanted in this relationship? You spoil that man halfway to death. He wants a baby? You give it to him. He wants you to wait and change your original plans? You'll do just that!"

"He's about to be my husband, Tess. I love him." I then said as I looked at her with a concerned look.

"Okay, Cheryl." She said as she sighed and scrolled through her phone.

I sighed as well and just shook my head at her.

Next, Daniel walked into my office and smiled a huge smile at me.

"Hey, Gorgeous." He said as he came over towards me. Once he reached me, he gently kissed my lips and placed his hand on my stomach. "How are my babies?" He then asked as he placed his forehead against mine.

"We're fine." I responded as I touched his tie.

"Good. Good." He then said as he touched the side of my face. "Loving the ring?" He asked me. I parted my lips to answer but Tess spoke up.

"Damn. Hi to you too, Daniel." She said as she stood up.

"Hi...Tess." He said as he turned to look at her.

"Uhm hmm." She said as she grabbed her things and stormed out.

"What's wrong with her?" Daniel asked me as he kissed my lips once more.

"She's upset at me." I said as I looked down at my small baby bump and Daniels hand that continued to rest there.


"Because she thinks that we are messing things up, you're forcing me into things and all of this other stuff. One thing she needs to realize is that when it comes to relationships, you have to learn that sometimes you have to do things for your significant other, right?"

"Right. I agree. Don't worry about her though, okay? I'm your man and this is our relationship." He said as he lightly kissed my forehead.

"You're right and I love you so very much."

"I love you too, sweetheart." He answered.

Next, I stood up and hugged Daniel tightly. As we hugged each other for a long moment, I then pulled back and straightened his tie once more.

"So...I wanted to ask you one more time about this idea of mine." I said as I patted his chest with both of my hands. "I think that I do want to continue being friends with Michael and I don't see anything wrong with it at all. So, I want you to be okay with it and let me."

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