Twenty 5

64 6 3

Get comfortable my friends! It's a long one!

Dedicating this one to Alicia_cobb12_ big headed ahhhhhhhhhhhh. 😂❤️


"Okay, soooo- are you not gonna tell me about how the dinner went with Daniels mom and dad?" Tess asked me.

"Honestly...It was okay. I was kinda nervous and now I see how Daniel feels. It's hard meeting the love of your life's' parents because you want them to like you so badly. However, his parents are very inviting and nice. His Mom and Dad are sweet, in my opinion." I said as I nodded my head.

This time, we were in her office talking and working on this new project together.

"Hm. Nice. So, everything went just fine? Like, nothing bad happened at all?"

"Were you expecting something to go wrong?" I asked her as I started to write down a few ideas for this project.

"Nope.'s Daniel. A man who didn't even want to admit that he was dating you. I'm surprised that he took you to meet his parents. You guys should have been met each other 3 years ago actually." She told me.

"I know. I agree. Things just...happened, I guess. However, him and I are on the same page now and I'm happy about that." I said as I smiled to myself.

"So, you're still in agreement with him on the two of you having this baby?" Tess asked me as she sat down next to me.

"Well...yeah. His Mom actually came over the other day. She told me that she has done the same and that she sees forever in us. I feel like Daniel is supposed to be somebody that I'm supposed to be with for the rest of my life. That's why I'm so hard on him when it comes to marrying me. We've waited far too long. We just chose to start off with this and maybe it's not a bad thing after all. We are a very strong couple and I don't know, I'm happy about this in a few ways." I said as I looked at her.

"Cheryl, but I thought that you didn't want to do things this way. Just because you love a man, never let him change what you feel should go down in the relationship. Yeah, he's the man in the damn relationships BUT us women are the ones who control it. What we say goes, Alright?"

"No, no. Daniel and I make everything equal. We do what we both feel is right for the both of us." I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"That's not how it looks over here, Cheryl. You told me that he literally pays all the bills, he is the one who even talked you into this baby, he's the one that told you not to tell anybody about you two, he's the one who's telling you to wait and wait and wait and guess what you're doing? You're waiting. You do every little thing for him, Cheryl. Everything." Tess told me as she squinted her eyes at me.

"That's not true. I don't do everything for him. He also does things for me. Just because I love to take care of my man, meet his needs and much more doesn't mean anything. I want him to be happy...why is that so wrong?"

"You're just having his child because you want him to be happy. You're giving him all of you when he's not giving you any of him. He pays the fucking bills and that's all. That's all." Tess explained to me.

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