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I moved from having my back against the headboard and made my way to the bottom of the bed. I then got on my knee's and watched him try to fix his tie himself. Obviously, he needed help.

"Here, let me help you." I said as I reached for his tie and started helping him. He moved closer to the bed and put his hands on my waist as I continued to straighten his tie out.

I could feel him looking at me while I tried to finish up. "There you go." I said as I then smiled and patted his chest.

He continued to look at me and then gave me a wink. I smiled and laughed a little. "You've never done that one before." I said as I then got off of my knees and jumped off of the bed. I was then standing in front of him, looking up at him and noticing how much taller he was compared to me.

"You're right. Its kinda awkward winking." He said as he looked down at the tie and made sure that I had done it correctly.

"Alright, baby. You have a big day today. I've already prayed about it! So, guess what? Everything is gonna go just fine. I'm sure of it." I said as I grabbed one of his hands and smiled my big smile at him.

"Thank you, baby. No words can explain how happy I am to have a woman like you. So sweet, thoughtful and caring. Without you- I'd be a complete mess. You know that you didn't have to wash my clothes, right?" He said as he pointed behind him and towards the closet.

"I know. I know. I just-..." I said as I put my hand on his shoulder and rubbed it.

"I want you to know that I'll do anything for you and...I love doing things for you. I mean, you come over here and I just wanna make sure that you feel at home." I said as I then reached up to touch his neatly shaved beard.

"You just love making sure that your man is good, huh?" He said as he then leaned down to give me a soft kiss.

"Of course I do." I said as I broke the kiss and looked him in his eyes.

"I'm about to go, baby. I gotta go grab some breakfast and then head over. The big meeting starts in a few. You'll call me, right?" He asked as he disappeared into the bathroom to make sure that his suit was looking decent.

"You should have told me that you wanted breakfast. I would have made you something. I just didn't think that you wanted any since you told me that you don't really like breakfast." I said as I picked up my phone from the bed and started texting someone back.

"Nah. I didn't wanna bother you this morning. You do too much for me already and you won't even let me do anything for you. Yet, I do it anyways." He said as he came from out of the bathroom. As he walked closer to me, I could smell that he just put on a dab of cologne a second ago.

"Yep and I told you that you don't have to do anything for me. You make me happy already." I said as I rushed to finish the text message and then threw the phone on the bed.

"You make me happy as well but today? I want you to go and pamper yourself. You deserve it. You've got a huge project coming up and I just want you to be ready. Do whatever you want...on me. You better not spend a penny. All on me, you got that?" He said as he then kissed my cheek.

"Alright...if you say so..." I said as I slightly rolled my eyes and turned around.

"You rolling your eyes?" He said in a joking voice and started laughing as he hugged me from behind. He then slightly started tickling me.

"Go to work!" I said as I laughed and tried to remove his hands from my body. He kissed my neck and then let me go.

"I have never seen a woman not liking spending her mans money and doing whatever she wanted with it. You confuse me Cheryl-Ann. I'll call you. See you later." He said as he then hit my ass and walked out of my room.

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