Twenty 9

63 5 0


"Yeah, Tess. This doesn't look good at all." I said as I laughed and looked over the project. There were so many things that we had needed to fix but, we got this. It all comes with patience.

"I tried when it came to economic growth status but you know-...things like that and myself aren't exactly friends. I tried, Cheryl." Tess said as she stood up and cane behind my desk to look at the project along with me.

Next, I heard someone knocking on my office door.

"Come in." Tess yelled.

"Really, Tess? I was supposed to say come in. This is my office." I said as I giggled a little bit and looked at Tess.

"Uh oh..." Tess said as she looked towards the door.

"I examined her facial expression. Whoever was at the door, I don't think that I'll like it.

"Why are you saying uh o-..." I said as I looked at the door too myself. There stood Monica. "Oh..." I said as I looked at her and then her small, but noticeable baby bump.

"Hi, Cheryl." Monica said as she smiled so big.

"H-...Hi Monica." I said as I flashed a smile back."What brings you by?" I asked her.

"I'm gonna step outside." Tess said as she then left.

After Tess left, we continued on. "Well, I wanted to talk to you." She said as she nodded her head.

"Oh, okay. What's up?"

"I wanted to know if you wanted to come to my baby shower? I'm having it a little bit earlier but either way, I want you to be there. You should be."

"Oh. I'd love to come bu-..." I said but she handed me the invitation.

"Please? It would mean the world to me and my husband." She said as she softly smiled at me.

"Well, uhm, sure." I said as I looked over the invitation. Twins?
"You're having twins?" I asked her as I looked up at her belly.

"Yes! My husband and I just found out not too long ago. Wanna feel?" She asked me as she rubbed her belly.

"Sure..." I said as I got up, sat the invitation down and walked over towards her. She took my left hand and helped me feel her belly. I smiled as I touched it, babies are such a very beautiful thing.

"Your ring is beautiful." She said as she looked at my hand on her belly.

"Thank you. The love of my life finally asked me the big question two days ago. Him and I are also working towards having a baby." I said as I removed my hand from her. "I can't wait. He's gonna be a good Daddy and I know it." I said as I stared at her belly.

"Patience. That's all it takes, love." She said as she looked at me.

"I told him the same thing. Anyways, thank you so much for coming by. I will definitely be there." I said as I shook her hand.

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