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I was pissed the hell off. This is what happens when you lie. You've gotta add another lie on top of it to keep the first lie covered.

When I made it back home, Cheryl was still there. I walked into the house feeling in shame of myself. She was just about to leave for work.

"I was just about to leave." She said as she walked over towards me and gave me a kiss on my lips. I pulled her into my chest and kissed her passionately. "I love you." I said as I broke the kiss and looked her in her eyes.

"I-...I love you too, baby. What's wrong?" She asked me as she put her hand on my cheek. I shook my head and forced a smile on my face. "Baby, come on...what is it?" She asked me as she grabbed both of my hands and made a sad face.

"I'm fine, babe. Now come on, you need to go have some fun with Tess, alright?" I told her.

"Alright then. I'll be back home in like an hour or two. You'll be here, right?" She asked me.

"Yep. Just gonna work out upstairs for a few and get some more work done. You know me." I said as I started going upstairs.

She left and we both wen tour separate ways.


"Well, don't you look gorgeous, Mrs. Hawkinson." Tess said as we sat down for lunch.

"Oh girl, stop it. I wish that were my last name but not just yet. Although, thank you, Tess. You look beautiful as well." I said to her as I picked up the menu.

"You will soon. Trust me! That man loves you."

"I know. I just-...all my life I've been dreaming about having a weddinggg, and babiesss." I said as I smiled really big and dragged the last letters out.

"Have you told him that?" She asked me.

"Uh...not really. I've asked him how he felt about it but we haven't had a full blown conversation about it." I added as I looked around the elegant restaurant. I loved everything about this place, they had beautiful decorations and the service is unbelievably great.

"Talk to him about it when you get home! Tell him how you feel about it and that its what you've always wanted. You've gotta let your man know what it is that you want!" Tess said as she looked at me.

"You're right. The thing is, how do I get my Mother to like him? If only you've heard the things she's said about him...about me, you'd understand why I just never wanna tell her anything. She's so judgmental and she hates him so much. Saying that he's hiding something from me. Come on now. Hiding what?" I said as I started to get frustrated.

"Give her some time. Mommy's only want what's best for their babies." Tess said as she smiled.

"TUH, I guess." I said as I shook my head.

After lunch with Tess, I went back home and took Tess' advice when it came to letting your man know what it is that you want. She's right, if I don't tell him it all- how would he know?

I put my purse down and went to go find him watching football in the living room.

"Hey, handsome." I said as I sat next to him and grabbed a hold of his hand. He sat up a little and looked at me.

"Hey, how was it?" He asked me as his thumb rubbed my hand while we were still hand in hand.

"Uh, it was pretty great. Tess is always a lot of fun and she's a really good friend." I said as I looked at the TV.

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