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"Where is that soon-to-be husband of yours?" Lardell asked me as her and I waited for Daniel to join us at his family's house for dinner.

I sat there and shrugged my shoulders.
"I've texted and called him a few times. I'm not sure where he is..." I said as I started eating the dinner that she had prepared.

"He should be here soon. Anyways, I'm so, so happy for you, Cheryl. I'm happy that you and my son are making these steps and finally making everything official." She told me as she looked down into her plate.

"I'm happy about it as well." I said as I nodded my head.

"So, Daniel told me that you've been wanting to be friends with that man, Michael? Is that his name?" She asked as she gently placed her fork down and started to drink her champagne with her pinky slightly lifted.

"Uhm..." I said as I cleared my throat and avoided eye contact with her. "Yeah...I mean, I don't see anything wrong with me being friends with hi-..."

"Well, I see a lot of things wrong with it, Cheryl. One moment that man will be a friend of yours and then the next, he'll want you to ride his face." She said nonchalantly.

I lightly coughed and covered my mouth because of how thrown off I was at what she had said...

Riding his face?

"It's Just unacceptable, sweetheart." She said as she lightly placed her champagne glass down on the table and stared at me with a straight face.

"I just...Daniel has had many female friends and I feel as if he can trust me. I would never hurt or cheat on him...." I said as I pushed my plate away and gently wiped my hands.

"I'm sorry, Cheryl. Daniel doesn't have anymore female friends, if that makes you feel better. However, this Michael man is a no, darling. Please, just don't go around that man ever again, okay? My Daniel is all you need." She said as she smiled at me.

"Yes ma'am..." I said. "I understand..." I added as I lightly smiled at her.

Of course Daniel would talk to her about this Michael situation.


I finally arrived to my Parents house and saw that my Dad wasn't even there. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked around the yard and walked towards the front door- that's odd, he's always home.

I had to stay longer at work to fix some things but I'm finally off and able to join my family for dinner.

I then turned the doorknob and walked into the house. I automatically smelled the warm smell of home cooked food and a unique scent of "I'm home" that filled my nostrils that I've smelled but many times before this very moment.

After I slowly closed the door, I made my way towards the dining room and found two of the most gorgeous women in my entire life sitting at the table before me.

"Hey beautiful ladies." I said as I smiled at the two of them and made my way over towards Cheryl. She comes first now.

"Hey beautiful. Sorry that I didn't call you back, I was handling some things." I told her as I then leaned down, gave her a light kiss on the lips and next went over towards my Mother and lightly kissed her cheek with such innocence.

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