Twenty 7

54 6 1


I got into the shower and just started to cry. Why did he say her name? Why did he say her name? Why?

I heard him knock on the door.

"Go away, Daniel." I said as I put my face under the water to disguise the tears.

He then came in. He opened the shower door and stepped in.

"Baby...I didn't mean to say her name." He said as he stood behind me.

I didn't want him to touch me or anything. I wanted him to just leave me alone for right now- I didn't even wanna talk about it.

"Baby, turn and look at me!" He then said as he turned me around to look at him.

"Daniel, I don't care. Just-...get out of the damn shower. Let me take a shower by myself." I said as I continued to cry. He pulled me into him and hugged me. I pushed away from his chest and tried to move away from him.

"No! I meant to say your name." He said as he hugged me some more. "Stop pushing me away!" He then slightly yelled at me.

As I continued to cry and push against him- I just gave up after a while. He wouldn't let me go and he was too strong for me to push away from. He just hugged me while I continued to cry and at this point, I felt a little heartbroken. He then picked me up and stepped out of the shower with me in his arms. Next, he placed a towel around me and kissed my forehead.


I didn't know what to do. So, I just placed her on the bed and tried to kiss away the pain.
She wouldn't stop crying and I felt so bad. I can't believe that I said what I said but hopefully, I can make her feel better in this moment.

She kept moving her face whenever I tried to give her a kiss. Why was she taking this accident so seriously?

"Cheryl, I'm sorry, ight? Let me make it up." I said as I started to kiss her lower stomach. My goal was to touch the magic and make her forget what I had said before.

"Can you stop?! You're really trying to continue after what the hell you just said?" She yelled at me as she sat up, covered her body and pushed me away from her.

"It was an accident!" I yelled at her as I stood up and looked down at her. "It was." I added as I put my hands on my head.

"I don't care. Accident or not- you shouldn't have said the shit." She said as she stood up and pushed me out of the bedroom.

"Cher-..." I said but she slammed the door in my face before I could even say anything else.

I sighed as I looked at the door and roughly smoothed out my waves with one hand. I then looked down at my body and back up at the door.

"Cheryl...can you at least let me in to put on some fuckin' underwear?" I asked her in a harsh voice.

"GO TO MONICAS HOUSE AND ASK HER TO GIVE YOU SOME!" She then yelled at me through the door. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down.

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