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            CHERYL's POINT OF VIEW

After work, I went home, took a shower and put me on something sexy...yet, comfortable to wear. I already knew that my man would on his way over soon. He just had to go home and get a few more of his clothes since he wanted to bring more over. I already started dinner for him and everything. I wanted to make sure that once he got here- that he knew that his woman would take care of him. It was something that I loved to do- make him happy and feel loved. We've only been seeing each other for about 2 years now and all of this has got me wondering...when is he gonna finally pop the big question?

Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door. I knew that it was him.

"Hey, baby." He said as he stepped in the house and gave me a kiss.

"Hey." I said as I closed the door behind him and locked it.

"What's smelling good?" He said as he sniffed the air and put his hand on his stomach.

"Your favorite." I said as I bit my lip and walked over towards him.

"You made my favorite?" He said as his mouth dropped.

"Yes! I know that you have some good news to tell me about what happened in the meeting. So, I made you dinner." I said in a proud voice and touched his chest.

"Damn, I'm so lucky to have you." He said as he leaned down and gave me another kiss. I noticed that he didn't change out of his suit.

"Why didn't you change?" I asked him as I reached up to loosen his tie a little bit.

"Aw yeah, I wanted to take a shower over here and then change. I know that I told you that I was gonna take a shower at home but- I changed my mind." He said as we both walked into the dining room.

"Oh, okay. Did you bring some clothes?" I asked him as I looked over my shoulder back at him.

"Yeah. It's in the car."

"You know that you have plenty of clothes here already. I don't understand why you keep bringing more."

"Just weighing my options, baby. That's all." He said as he unbuttoned his suit top and sat down.

I then started smiling.

"Alright. Well, dinner is almost ready." I told him as I disappeared into the kitchen.


"Alright, you ready for the big news?" He said as he smiled over at me and reached for my hand. I nodded my head as I continued chewing.

"Well, you are looking at the new President of the Lorowzel company." He said as he smiled a huge smile at me.

My mouth dropped. "You're kidding me? They moved you up that far?" I asked as I started to get excited.

"Yep, your man is the President." He said as he smiled a little bit.

"I'm so happy for you! What did I tell you?" I said as I stood up and went over to give him a hug.

"Yep, you said it, Baby. I couldn't have done it without you though." He said as I broke the hug and sat back down.

"Nonsense. Yes you could have." I said as I picked my fork back up and looked down at my plate.

"I'm being for real, Cheryl. You're always motivating me and pushing me to do the things that I thought that I could never do. You kept me positive when everything in my body wanted me to be negative. I've been stressing you about this meeting for weeks and you stayed positive despite how I was feeling. Thank You." He said as he sat up some more in his seat and became serious.

"That's what I do. I'm always going to be here for you and I'm always going to push you. You deserved it, Babe. Honestly, you deserve it all. Just keep a positive mindset."

"I will. You mean so much to me and I'm happy to have you." He said as he then leaned over to give me a kiss on my cheek.


"You're so warm." I said as we both cuddled up in bed together. He had his arms wrapped around me as my back was in his chest.

He laughed a small laugh and then kissed my shoulder. I could feel his heartbeat through his chest and on my back. His heart was so strong. I loved listening to his heartbeat throughout the night because I was grateful for it. He told me when we first met that he had always had minor heart problems when he was a kid and that even feeling his heart beating scared him. The heart problems started after he was in a car accident around the age of 6 years old and ever since then, he had some sharp pains every 2 months. The doctor checked and said that it was just his heart having its minor moments in the same area every once in a while. Nothing to be too afraid about. It still made him scared...even though he didn't want to admit it.

"Why are you so silent?" He asked me as we both continued to look at a movie together while in bed.

"I don't know...just thinking."

"Thinking about what?" He asked me as he moved my body to where I was completely on my back and looking at him. He rested on his side and propped his head up on his arm.

"Well, it's been 2 years and I have yet to meet your family. You also wont let me tell my family about you. Why is that?" I asked him.

By the way his facial expression changed, I knew that I had ruined the cuddling moment.

"Baby, don't understand how people's opinions can ruin a relationship." He said as he sat up and put his back against the headboard. I sat up as well and joined him.

"I just-...Baby, just don't care about their opinions, alright?" I told him as I put my hand on his leg above the sheets. He shook his head and just continued to watch TV.

I don't understand. He always get's frustrated with me whenever I ask why he does the things that he does. 2 years and I have yet to meet his family, siblings, friends or really anybody...

"Daniel, look- i'm sorry, Baby. I just wish that you would explain things to me more often. I'm tired of wondering." I said as I looked at him.

He just continued to watch TV and had a straight face. I then sat in his lap, put my legs on both side's of him and faced him. He suddenly stopped watching TV and started looking me in my eyes.

"I don't want you to be upset with me." I then said as I touched his silky hair. I could see that he couldn't stay upset with me long because he then put his hands on my waist and softened up his facial expression.

"I don't care about what people say. I just want to protect you, Cheryl." He said as he moved his hands down to my thighs.

"I'm fine." I said as I felt his warm hands on my body.

"Yeah but it's my job to protect you. To protect us. You get that?" He said.

"...I understand." I said as I looked down. I just wanted to let the conversation pass. Of course I didn't understand...I feel like he wants to hide me for himself.

"And Cheryl...don't ask me about it again, baby. Just let me protect you. You cool with that?" He said as he licked his lips.

"Okay, I wont." I said.

"Smile. I don't wanna see you sad. Your'e my woman. I want to make you happy."

I'd be happier if you explained it all to me, I thought to myself.

I smiled and leaned down to give him a kiss on his soft lips.


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