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"Sweetheart, talk to him about it tonight or at least try to, Okay? Tell him that I wanna see and meet him. I don't like my daughter being head over hills for this mysterious man. I need to know him." Ma said as she stopped cooking and looked at me.

"I'll think about it, Ma. I don't wanna bring it up because I've brought it up many, many times before. Like I said, whenever he's ready- I'll let you know."

"Cheryl, you're not understanding. What if he did something to you? I wouldn't be able to help because I don't even know what the man looks like. All I know is that his name is Daniel. That's all."

"Mom, I'm a grown woman. Whomever I fall in love with is my business." I told Ma as I started back typing on my phone.

"Please, don't tell me that you're having sex with the man as well...." Ma said. The room suddenly got silent. I turned my face away from her a little bit and tried not to give away the truth with my facial expressions.

"Cheryl....I've taught you better than this."

"Ma, Okay- you wanna know the truth? Yes. Yes, we have been intimate a few times."

"I feel like a "few times" is more than I can count on one hand. You just remember what I told you and be careful."

"I wish that you would understand that I love him. I really do and maybe this is the exact reason as to why he doesn't want to meet anybody yet or let me meet his family yet. You already don't like him and you're already judging us for doing the things that we do."

"Cheryl, I'm not judging you. I just don't understand why he wants to hide you! That's no good sign about a man, you hear me? Get your head out of the fluffy clouds that he's created for you and start looking around. Have you been to his house yet?"

I thought to myself. "No." I then said.

"And why is that?" She asked me.

"He's in the process of moving and he said that he doesn't want me to see how the process is making his house look. Honestly, I'm fine with that."

"Ask him about that tonight." Ma said as she continued cooking.

My Mom actually got me thinking about all of this. Yes, I've never stepped foot into his house. The one time I tried to go over there, he didn't let me even close to the house. I'm not understanding at all. Maybe I should ask him...

                   LATER THAT NIGHT

He gently laid me on the bed and started giving me kisses throughout my body. His kisses started from my lips, to my neck and now to my chest which made my entire body shiver. My hands rubbing his arms as his muscles popped out from holding himself up over me. I enjoyed the view of his lips touching my skin every once in a while. Every time a kiss went lower, he brought them back up just to tease me a little bit. As he came back up to kiss my lips, one of his hands caressed my inner thigh which only made me want him even more.

I then thought about what Ma said earlier today before she left.

"Turn over." He said in a sexy voice that was deeper than his regular voice.

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