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Daniel was in bed with his back against the headboard and he had a laptop in his lap. I just finished getting dressed after my shower and so, I thought that it would be fun to mess with him. I knew that he was some what still upset with me but I didn't care- I know that he can't stay mad at me for forever. I then climbed in bed next to him and moved over to where my body would be touching his. I then turned towards him, reached around and touched the opposite side of his face and then I started softly kissing his cheek.

"Come on, Cheryl. I'm trying to finish this up." He said as he lightly removed my hand from his face and started back typing.

"Well, let me help you." I said.

"I'm almost done. No, thanks." He said as he took a deep breath and continued typing.

I then moved back over to my side of the bed and looked down to play with my hands.

"I hope that you're not still upset with me." I said as I looked at him.

"I wasn't upset at all. I just-...somethings I don't like and that's what bothered me."

"Yes, and I know that but baby- it's not like it was a complete stranger. She's my family. My family wanted to meet you and that's why I let her come. They want to see the amazing man that I'm in love with." I said.

"There you go again. Family." He said as he rubbed his head in frustration.

"What do you mean "There you go again"?" I asked as I started to get irritated with him.

"Listen to me." He said as he stopped typing and looked at me. "I don't want to meet your family right now.  I'm already not good enough for your mom. Do you really think that anybody else would wanna meet me? I'm surprised that your Aunt came in peace. Just-...like I said, I don't want to hear about it anymore. I'm not meeting anybody else." He said as he started to get upset. He then got out of bed and went into the bathroom.

"Daniel...you're making this a big deal, baby. It's just my people. Stop being so sensitive." I said. He then came out of the bathroom with a wet wash cloth in his hands.

"Sensitive? Cheryl-....don't-....don't do that tonight." He said as he started to wipe his face with the towel.

"You are being sensitive about it." I said as I laid down.

"Man, I'm stressing out at work and then I gotta come home to my woman stressing me out too. Give me a break! Respect what I want, just like I respect what you want. Do not talk about this shit again." He said.

I ignored the rest of what he said and tried to go to sleep.


"Hey, Cheryl!" Tess said as she walked into my office.

I looked up and smiled at her. "Hey." I said in a soft voice.

"How were your two days off? I don't know about you but I enjoyed the both of them." She said as she sat down in-front of my desk.

"They were very interesting." I said as I took a deep breath and flipped through some pages.

"How that man of your doing?" She asked.

"Fine." I said.

"And how about yourself?"


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