Thirty 9

39 6 2


Yesterday after what happened at Dinner- I was shocked. I was actually beyond shocked.
Knowing that I couldn't see my parents again is what makes me feel...uneven in a way. I never thought that my parents could be this way but honestly, I refuse to leave Daniel just because they said something that they aren't even sure about. They don't know Daniel and all he's done for me. Daniel is the sweetest person ever and I wish that they could accept and see what I see. However, Daniel is right.

I can't force them to support me.

"Cheryl, what's wrong? You've been silent all morning." Tess said as she looked over at me.

"I'm fine." I said as I lightly sighed and continued working. I just wanted to work and then go home. I wasn't in the mood to laugh or talk today because I felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest last night.

"You sure?"

"Yeah." I said as I immediately started to cry. I then covered my face.

Tess came behind my desk and she rubbed my back as I sat there.

"Talk to me. What did Daniel do?"

"It's not Daniel." I said as I shook my head. Tess then grabbed me a Kleenex and gave it to me. "Thanks." I told her as I patted under my eyes with it.

"Who is it then?" She asked me in a calm voice.

I looked down at the Kleenex in my lap and played with it a little bit. I then sighed before I could say anything.

"My parents." I told her. I then told her how the entire dinner went.

Afterwards, Tess was shocked about what my parents said about me never coming back.

"Well..." Tess said as she walked around my desk and went to go sit down in the chair in front of it.

"Well, What?" I asked.

"Daniel shouldn't have cursed. I mean, that was disrespectful. Especially in front of your parents and that's apart of the reason as to why your parents did what they did. Also, he should have asked for your fathers Blessing even if he knew that he would probably say no. It's all about respect and Daniel needs to know that. Also, Cheryl...I think that you should leave Daniel. He's just...I don't know. I kinda agree with your parents, he seems like he is hiding something. He's always hiding yo relationship and it took him a long time to even want to meet your parents. It's like he doesn't want to exist until....I don't know."

"Now you're on their side, huh? He's not hiding anything! Just because you feel that way- doesn't mean anything at all! I'm not leaving all. I love him and I'm never leaving him. If you knew Daniel the way I knew him, you'd see what I was talking about.

"I don't know, Cheryl. I really don't. I know you love that man're just engaged. It's easy to give the ring back, call it off and get him out of your house." She told me.

"But it's not easy to get rid of" I told her.

As I said this, Tess' entire facial expression changed. She placed both hands on her head and turned away from me. Now she knows.

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