She split her dark blonde hair into two braids and smiled for the audience. "They love me more."

I bumped her out of the way with my hip and fixed my hair in the window. "Nuh uh, they hate you. You know who else hates you?"

"Who?" She rolled her eyes.


She stomped away.

I could not wait to cut a bitch.


Michael's P.O.V.

I was sad.

They had just called the female tribute for our district, District 2, and it was Michelle. She has classes with me and was so nice.

I really felt bad.

If I wasn't gay and she wasnt a tribute, I would totally bang her.

"And for the men..."

Everyone quieted down as the male tribute was selected.

"Michael Clifford."

Didn't see that one coming.

I made my way to the stage.

Michelle was shaking, she was so terrified.

"Hey, it's okay." I gave her a smile and she burst out crying.

My eyes widened and I looked away, ashamed I made a girl cry.

They led us to a small room to say goodbye to our parents.

"I'm just gunna kill myself." She fretted. "As soon as the games start, Im gunna kill myself."

"Don't do that!" I frowned. "You have a chance!"

She shook her head and cried. "No I dont! Im just gunna step off the podium before the minute starts and blow myself up."

The doors opened and our families came in before I could try to talk her out of it.

As soon as we got to the train, she ran to her room and locked the door.

I sighed and waved to my people by myself, hoping I had a chance.

Because there was only one thing I wanted in life, love. And I knew there was no way I'd be getting that in the arena.


Calum's P.O.V.

Meanwhile, in District 5

I sat on the train and stared out the window, wondering how I got chosen. My name was only in there three times!

I huffed and went to find the food cart. Might as well get the benefits that come with being a tribute am I right.

Of course I am.

My partner Nina was there already.

Ooh, I like the way she thinks.

"Hi." I said to her.

"Hey." She was shaking slightly. "Good luck. I know its a little early to be saying that but, I wanna say it."

I smiled. "Good luck to you too."

"Since one of us or both of us will be dead in a few days.....and we're both virgins, do you wanna have some fun before the train gets to the Capitol?" She asked.

I grabbed a drink. "Just let me drink this first and then I'll meet you in bed." I said.

She smiled and walked away.

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