Youthful Wonders

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Hi readers. Thanks for taking the time out of whatever you were doing to read this.

This page is just to say what this will be all about. This "book" is going to be a collection of poems, or an album of poems if you will, about childhood and some of the sorts of things that people generally go through when they're young, whether it be as a child, pre-teen or teen. Most of the poems in this album/collection have been drawn from personal experience although two or three of the poems will not be from my own personal experiences but maybe as a third wheel. (someone else's experiences that have directly effected me)

Make sure you stay up to date as this will end up having a total of twelve poems in it, each under their own chapter. Some of the poems will intertwine and relate to each other so they will be posted together.

1. The Night The Sun Came Up

2. Shadows

3. Rootless

4. First Love

5. Life Isn't My Fairytale

6. Make-Up

7. The Way He Hustles

8. Iron Head

9. Love Me For Me

10. Dollhouse

11. Gone

12. Who Am I? (My Hero) (ft EllSaund)

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