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Chapter Fifty Six: Encounter

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Chapter Fifty Six: Encounter

"Wormtail!" hissed Sirius menacingly when his eyes fell upon the familiar and yet so distant face of the death eater. If his ankle wasn't broken, he would've leapt up and ripped his eyes right off his face. But the sharp pain on the lower portion of his leg kept him from making any sort of sudden movement.

Peter Pettigrew has changed remarkably since the last time Sirius has seen him, a fact that shouldn't have come as a surprise to him. Everyone has changed in the last few months, Sirius himself included. The war has taken a toll on everybody, and he could hardly recognise his own friends nowadays. But Peter seemed to have changed the most.

He looked ragged, rough, broken – like he has just walked through a storm. His matted hair came down to his shoulders, his clothes were tattered and torn, and his once chubby appearance was reduced to nothing but bones. His miserable appearance would have made Sirius feel sorry had he not been filled with insurmountable rage and hatred towards him.

Peter pocketed Sirius and Robbie's wands, pointing his own towards Sirius. He didn't have the light of viciousness and cruel humour that most death eaters possessed – rather he seemed terribly frightened. It was hardly noticeable, but if one looked closely, they would see the subtle tremble in the hand that held his wand.

"You filthy rat!" said Sirius through gritted teeth. "You scum, you fucking coward! You dare hold your wand in front of me –"

"It will be easier for the both of us," spoke Peter in a shaky voice, "if you remain quiet. They will be back very soon."

"I don't care when they will be back!" Sirius yelled inhumanly and leapt forward, but Peter put up a defensive spell that sent him back to the wall. In a matter of a few seconds, his limbs were tied up with the same slimy ropes that were around Robbie. He screamed and thrashed, yelled obscenities rivalling those of Walburga Black herself, throwing his legs around, not caring about the sharp pain on his foot; the only thing that he could think about at the moment was that Peter was standing right in front of him, completely unscathed and unpunished for the awful betrayal and murder he has committed.

Peter glanced back towards the door nervously. "Sirius," he squeaked when he has finally stopped hurling insults at him. "Sirius, please stop."

He was breathing heavily, having tired himself out completely from the outburst. He glared hard at his once best friend, and if looks could kill, Peter would surely have crumbled to ashes in a second. "You seemed to have learnt something," he said mockingly. "You have never been good at duelling, have you? So your Lord Voldemort did teach you some skills. You are not completely incompetent after all."

"Still as condescending as ever."

Surprising himself, Sirius laughed. "You are one to talk, you useless flobberworm. You betrayed your best friends; you got them killed, you got a one year old killed! I think you don't get to call me out on my flaws."

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