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Chapter Twenty Eight: Betrayed and Homeless

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Chapter Twenty Eight: Betrayed and Homeless

20 November, 1982

Remus was expecting it to be like just another day at the shelter, paired with the gripping fear of what may have happened to Sirius. As usual, he remained busy tending to ill or injured dogs, and if there weren't any that needed tending to, he brought one of the dogs out of the cages and took it out for a walk. It was while he was trying to persuade one of the smaller puppies to get into the leash, that one of his coworkers walked over to him with a deep frown on his forehead. He looked up questioningly, raising a brow while he attempted to cajole the dog into the leash with sweet words.

"Remus, it's Santa Paws."

He stopped immediately, his hands jerking up and loosening their grip on the puppy, who took advantage and wriggled out of his hold. But Remus wasn't focusing on him.

"What? Where is he?" he asked quickly, rising to his feet and twisting his head to look outside. And indeed, there stood, just outside the door, scratching on the glass surface with his claws, the large black dog who wasn't actually a dog. Before his coworker could speak, he was already running off toward the door and wrenching it open. Sirius immediately leapt on him and began to twist and turn.

Remus knelt down in front of him and held him steady, which wasn't easy because he kept jumping and squirming and barking loudly. Unable to figure out what to do, he finally called out, "Sirius! Stop. What's wrong?"

Sirius froze and stared at him. He placed a comforting hand over his back and peered into his face, hoping to understand what was going on. But Sirius tilted his head infinitesimally and gestured toward the exit. Remus lowered his voice as he asked, "You want me to go home?" He nodded. "Is something wrong?" He nodded again.

Pressing his lips, he left Sirius by the doorstep and reentered the shelter, a fresh wave of fear engulfing him. He told Adam that he had to go home due to an emergency and quickly left before he could ask him how Santa Paws had brought him the news. Gathering his cloak and bag, he hurried outside, following Sirius who led the way. But instead of going home directly, Sirius walked into a narrow alley, before turning human. Once Remus had caught up with him, he grabbed his hand, and turned.

Remus immediately felt a jerk in his body, followed by terrible nausea; it seemed like he was being sucked into an abyss. It was the most uncomfortable feeling, his innards twisting and turning inside him, his head spinning and the world revolving rapidly around his eyes, making everything go blurred. Before he could get used to the sensation, it stopped abruptly and sent him hurtling to the ground.

His vision was still blurry, but he somehow managed to see Sirius's feet as he hurried by him and disappeared through a door. He blinked a few times and raised himself by his elbows. It took him a few moments to realise that he was in the front of his own house. He attempted to stand. Then he threw up.

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