16 ; glass shards

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Chapter Sixteen: Glass Shards

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Chapter Sixteen: Glass Shards

As Remus pushed open the kitchen door, he found Santa Paws sleeping on one of the chairs around the dining table, and he felt oddly relieved to see him like that. He had been too restless and fidgety the past few days, and often spent the night walking around the house. Now he seemed to be devoid of any worries - if dogs had anything to worry about - and Remus felt that he could finally be able to leave home without thinking that anything might happen to his Shepherd.

He strolled towards the counter and reached his hand to pull out a dish from the top shelf. His eyes wandered around, before landing on the jar that held his chocolates, and a small frown appeared on his face. He did a mental calculation while filling a pan with oil, and tried to remember when he had eaten his favourite chocolate, which he had saved up. No, he didn't remember eating it. Deciding that he had probably misplaced it and making a note to search for it later, he turned his attention to the food he was cooking.

Santa Paws woke up when the scent of sausage rolls wafted out of the pan in drifts of wispy smoke. His mouth visibly watered, bringing Remus to laugh. The dog shook his body to get rid of his drowsiness and walked over to him, tongue hanging out in an obvious hungry gesture. But Remus shook his head. "This isn't for you, sorry."

Santa Paws groaned in disappointment.

"Do you want all your hair to fall off?" Remus questioned, not expecting a reaction. So when the dog whipped his head up, seemingly horrified, and backed away, he was taken by quite a surprise. "Well, we wouldn't want such beautiful fur to disappear, would we? Here you go."

He placed his bowl in front of him and Santa Paws dug in.

It was after lunch that Remus noticed the chocolate wrapper inside the bin. He lifted his brows and looked at Santa Paws, who was contentedly licking his paws, but then brushed the idea away. He couldn't have unwrapped the chocolate bar and eaten it, he thought. Unless he had unwrapped it earlier and kept it open on the counter.

That must have been it. He didn't remember eating it, so he looked down at the dog. "Did you eat my chocolate, Santa Paws?" he asked, and a second later he realised how pathetic he sounded, his voice coming out more accusatory than he had intended.

The dog froze and glanced up at him slowly. This vanished any doubts from his mind and he let out a sigh. Kneeling down in front of him, he said with a frown, "You know chocolate is poisonous for you. I've told you plenty of times."

Santa Paws purred apologetically, and brought his head down on Remus's thighs, who stood up, causing his head to thud to the ground. "I'm getting late," he said to no one in particular, before turning to the large dog who stared at him with wide eyes. "Don't eat anything you're not supposed to eat."

He barked softly in reply, and Remus gathered his coat and bag to leave. For good measure, he removed any food and put them away in the high shelves. When Santa Paws followed him to the door to say goodbye, he bent down and placed a kiss on his head.

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