14 ; rekindling emotions

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Chapter Fourteen: Rekindling Emotions

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Chapter Fourteen: Rekindling Emotions

24 June, 1982

Remus shoved the thin sheets off his body as the summer heat seeped into the room through the open windows, and rolled around to lie on his back, closing his eyes again to fall back into a restless, dreamless sleep. Minutes later, something heavy leapt on top of him and began to push him roughly with soft paws. He groaned and turned away, before Santa Paws growled in anger and rolled his half asleep form off the bed.

When the Shepherd leapt off the bed and settled down beside him on the floor, he swore colourfully, to which Santa Paws raised his brows and peered into his face, wearing what could only be described as an amused grin. Resting himself on his arms, he pushed himself up and gazed at the clock that stood on the table beside his bed.

"Well," he said as he stretched himself and yawned, "as much as I don't appreciate your process of waking me up, thanks."

He gave a soft bark in reply and nudged him on the leg, as though telling him to hurry. Remus complied, and grabbing a pair of pants, made his way to the bathroom to get dressed.

Santa Paws was a more than a furry companion - he had turned out to be quite useful for Remus too. He woke him up every morning, and he no longer had to set the alarm to go to work. He had someone to talk to, even though he never got anything in reply other than a few barks, and he was grateful for his company, because he used to get lonely frequently at home.

Once he was dressed up, he skipped downstairs and made it to the kitchen for breakfast. Santa Paws sat quietly beside his empty bowl, waiting for it to be filled up, and as Remus poured milk into a round plastic bowl, he eyed the dog for a minute. "You know, it's greatly creepy to see a dog so calm and quiet," he said as he filled up Santa Paws' bowl with food. He glanced up at Remus briefly before beginning his breakfast. "Dogs are supposed to be more active."

Santa Paws ignored him, but when he had finished eating, he pushed his bowl into a corner and began running around the room at lightning speed, knocking over a chair in the process. Remus gaped at him from where he sat at the table for a minute, and when Santa Paws stopped and stumbled to the ground, panting heavily, he started to laugh.

"Wow," he said between his laughter as he stood up to pick up the chair and put it back in its place. "That was impressive."

The dog crawled over to him and rested his head over his thigh, tongue out and chest heaving rapidly. Remus set aside his spoon and bowl of cereal to bring his hand to run over Santa Paws' head. "I take it you're not used to running."

He allowed him to lick his hand, and five minutes later, when he was done with breakfast, he pushed Santa Paws away gently and stood up. He stared at him for a minute, eyeing his heavy pants and hunched body, and said, "You don't have to run if you don't want to. I was joking - lazy dogs do exist."

Shelter • wolfstar auजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें