31 ; invisibility cloak

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Chapter Thirty One: Invisibility Cloak

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Chapter Thirty One: Invisibility Cloak

22 November, 1982

The warm afternoon sunlight pouring in through the windows provided just enough warmth for Remus to be comfortable and just enough light for him to be able to read the tiny words that were inked into the rough parchment pages of the book. He was quite engrossed in it, marvelling at the wonders of the wizarding world, and as he flipped a page, a bubbling liquid jumped up at him, startling him out of his wits.

He has been reading the book for over half an hour, but he still couldn't get used to the moving pictures that found joy in jumping at him every now and then. He had a vague suspicion that the book somehow knew he was a muggle, and that they were scaring him on purpose.

Nathan had given him a few of the wizarding books that mostly talked about potions, especially those with medicinal properties. He seemed to be quite grateful after Remus had helped heal Gillian's wound, and after breakfast, he stayed back in the kitchen to help him clear up the dishes, while he talked about various things. Later, he brought a pile of books into his room and informed that he might find them interesting to read.

And indeed, it was interesting, even more so than ordinary, muggle books. It was fascinating to read about what a simple vial of liquid was capable of doing, and the book seemed like a distant dream to him, just like the wizarding world - vague, mysterious, and eccentric. But the books helped him keep busy, and he was able to take his mind off the shelter.

They also kept him company when the three wizards gathered in the kitchen downstairs, talking in hushed voices, an urgent air surrounding them. Gillian wasn't there, for she was resting in one of the bedrooms.

A frown suddenly appeared on Remus's face as he wondered about what Sirius had done to Adam. He claimed to have modified his memories so that he was under the belief that Remus was on a holiday, though for how long the workers would accept the story before beginning to wonder where he really was, he couldn't tell. But for the time being, he decided not to think much about it as he felt it wouldn't really be any help.

After having tired his eyes out, Remus abandoned his books and tucked them carefully inside his shelf, before heading downstairs, where an odd silence has taken over the place. Frowning, he pushed open the door to the kitchen when a remarkable sight met his eyes.

Nathan and Sirius were bent over the kitchen counter, chopping some vegetables while Marlene stared intently at a cauldron, inside which a pale blue liquid bubbled away. The air was thick with heavy fumes, and Remus was reminded of fantasy books where evil witches cooked evil potions to poison the Prince or Princess. He blinked a few times, trying to register in his mind whether what he was seeing really was happening. As he moved closer to them and squinted, he saw that what Sirius was chopping weren't really vegetables. Instead, it was a slimy grey blob, and upon closer inspection, he realised it was a squid.

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