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Addison Waters
May 14th

We've been at Ethan's parents house for about two days now, everything has been good, him and Gray still haven't spoke about everything.

I honestly don't know when he plans to do so, I just know that every time Grayson steps in the room, you could cut the tension with a knife.

And it's not like any one of us is oblivious to it, it's clearly there. No one has said anything about it, though.

"Hey," Ethan appeared, shutting the door and sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Hey," I smiled, sitting up and setting my phone down.

"What have you been up to?"

"Quading with Gray, actually.." he stared down at the ground, looking rather flushed.

"Oh...so did you two finally talk?"


I lightly chuckled,
"What's wrong?"

"N-nothing, he uh-he just...said some things, that I didn't expect him to say.."

"Go on,"

He shut his eyes, while he sighed,
"Okay well, I'm just really conflicted right now."

I groaned,
"E, just tell me please, so I can help?"

He nodded slowly,
"Yeah, uh-alright,"

He gulped,
"Well, I'll tell you everything that happened."

Flashback from 20 minutes before present time:

Gray put his ride to a stop, once he'd noticed I did.

"E?" He shouted back, taking off his helmet.


"Why'd you stop?"

"I..I-um, I think we need to talk.."

He slowly nodded, stepping off his ride.


I sighed,
"Okay, let's cut the bullshit. You kissed Addison behind my back."

"What are you talking about-"

"And don't try to deny it now, she told me everything."

"Oh really, did she also tell you how unforgettable it was?"

I deeply chuckled,
"Oh yeah, don't worry. She made sure to mention how she pushed you away as soon as your lips touched. Quite unforgettable, asswipe."

He laughed along,
"Yeah, well it's good to know your fiancé still has quite a thing for me," he simply spoke, brushing past me, helmet in hand.

I stopped him with my hand,

"It took her so long to realize what was going on, she only stopped when our lips touched?" He chuckled,
"Yeah right, we were having an argument. I'm pretty sure she was well aware of the situation. Why did it take her so long to push me away?"

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