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^^ this is my favourite Christmas store I'm crying THE MEMORIES- ok on with the chapter. (Btw this goes along with the chap It's not jus random lmao)


Addison Waters
December 23rd

Ethan and I were sprawled out on the couch as we cuddled. Wrapped up in a fuzzy little white blanket. Which was keeping us rather toasty, aside from the fireplace that the tv hung above.

We were watching a Charlie Brown Christmas, and it really got me in the festive mood. I remember watching this all the time with my parents, usually just a couple days before Christmas.

Although, they said when I was young I used to ask to watch it every morning.. I'm surprised they can still sit through it.

"Hey e, you know what I just remembered?"

"Hm?" He asked, not taking his eyes off the tv, but he rubbed my thigh, letting me know he was paying attention to me.

"You still haven't met my parents,"

He turned to face me,
"You haven't taken me to meet them,"

I chuckled,
"I know that, doofus. But there hasn't really been any time, especially now, you're only here for barely two weeks."

He shrugged,
"We'll book a flight after Christmas."

"Are you crazy? That'll be way too much chaos."

He rolled his eyes,
"Addy, wouldn't you like to see your parents for the holidays? And on the plus side I haven't met them. It would be the perfect time, we could even go back during the summer when I get my next two weeks off."

I thought for a moment,
"I guess so then, should we go on the twenty seventh? Two days after Christmas?"

He nodded,
"Yeah, I'll book a flight for that morning." He smiled.

I returned it, pecking him on the lips.
"I'm so nervous now.." I admitted.

"Why?" He chuckled.

"What if they're mad at me because I've been with you for so long and they haven't met you?"

He shrugged,
"I don't think they will be, but if they are, don't worry. I got the Dolan charm."

I snorted,
"Dolan charm?"

"Yes, parents love me."

"How many girls parents have you met?" I crossed my arms.

He playfully rolled his eyes,
"It's not what you think, their parents just didn't trust the guy they were seeing. So I had to meet them before we went on our first date."

"I guess you really do carry that douche bag image, huh? None of your exes parents trusted you?" I chuckled.

"Hey! It wasn't like that!"

"That's what it seems like.." I mumbled.

"Whatever. But anyway it didn't really matter, I only ever went on one date with each of them so they don't really count as exes,"

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