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Addison Waters

We'd been driving for a few hours, and finally made it back to LA.

Instead of going back and forth from my apartment to his, to unpack and settle in, we decided on me staying at his apartment for the night.

I changed into some simple pjs and walked out into the living space.

Ethan looked at me, eyeing me down and instantly groaning.

I furrowed my eyebrows,
"Geez, I didn't know I looked that bad," I joked.

He quickly laughed it off,
"Not that, I mean you look really good.. but I was hoping we could go down to joes."

I whined, "We just got home and you wanna go to the bar?" I cringed.

"Going there is relaxing to me," he shrugged.

"Drinking helps you relax?" I chuckled, as I asked intriguingly.

He playfully rolled his eyes at me, I sat in the empty space beside him and rested my head against his chest. Peering my head up to face him.

He gave me puppy dog eyes, he's cute, but they never work on me.

"Ethan, I'm tired."

"Then I'll go," he began to sit up.

I pulled him down, whining.
"Noo, bars are dangerous at night."

"That's when most people go," he shrugged.

"Yeah, cause it's happy hour. Good time for a murderer to go on a happy killing spree."

He looked at me as if I was crazy, while beginning to laugh.

"I don't think anyone is as insane as you, addy."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

He put his hands up in defence,
"You're the one that went all gore talk."

I sighed, "On second thought, I think I could use a drink."


I sat on the bar stool waiting for Ethan. He said he had to use the bathroom, so I ordered for us.

We've never been to a bar together, but we have drank together before. So I know exactly what he likes.

I ordered him a bourbon, and a sex on the beach for myself. I know if Ethan was here he'd immediately blurt out some sexual innuendo referring to my order, thankfully he took his sweet time in the bathroom.

I heard the wooden doors creak open, and a faintly, the sound of a light switch being switched off.

I peered my head over to Ethan, I smiled at him and patted the seat beside me, as if he wasn't going to sit there already.

"Hey, did you order?"

"Mhmm." I hummed, resting my hand against my cheek.

He chuckled, "You tired, baby?"

"Extremely. Remind me to steal all the covers tonight as a punishment for you dragging me out here."

"Wouldn't be anything new, Although could you tone down the kicking?"

I grinned as I covered my face in embarrassment,
"I still do that?"

He smirked,
"Occasionally, yeah. But I don't mind, remember the other night? you woke up and we ended up-"

I covered his mouth and shushed him,
"Do you have to say it so loud?!" I whisper yelled.

He chuckled, "I don't care, plus I'm probably entertaining these neckbeards."

I cringed, "Even better reason for me to tape your mouth shut."

"I prefer a blindfold over my eyes, and hopefully you'll be nice with what occurs afterwards."

I shook my head, laughing. "Is sex three times a day not enough for you? Or are you just horny all the time?"

He shrugged, "I'll go with option three, my girlfriend is too hot and I can't get enough."

I squinted my eyes at him, "Smooth. Real smooth, Dolan."


"Sex on the beach?"

Ethan gave me a puzzled look before turning towards the bartender.

"Oh," he mumbled almost inaudibly.

I held in my laughter while he grabbed the drink from the woman, setting it down on the counter.

"Don't you recognize me?" She said in a singy tone.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her, just by the tone of her voice and the way she kept eyeing Ethan up and down, I could tell she was trouble.

My eyes skimmed down to her name tag, "RoseMary"

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