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Addison Waters
January 2nd

"Okay okay, look, what if we got a house with a huge land of grass for our future pets?"

I scolded him, as he pointed towards a farmhouse in the middle of no where.

"Ethan, stop trying to make the home I'm least interested in sound amazing, it's not happening."

"Why not? We won't have any neighbours, no need to worry about keeping you quiet," he listed.

I shook my head, turning the keyboard towards me and searching up homes for sale in New Jersey.

"What about that one?" He pointed,

It was creme coloured, had a big garage and huge windows in the front.

I shrugged,
"I'm not feeling that one,"

"Well we haven't even seen the inside,"

"Outside matters too,"

He sighed,
"Okay, make this even harder than it already is.." he joked.

I chuckled,
"I'm sorry, I just want it to be the perfect home, and none of these have felt special to me yet."

"Really?" I nodded,
"Not one out of the billions we've already looked at?" I nodded.

"My god you're hard to please, I'm surprised you even like the ring." He added.

"That's because I told you I thought this one was nice a while back," I stated, holding it out in front of us, admiring it for the millionth time since it's been on my finger.

"When was this?" He asked, his face full of confusion.

I chuckled,
"How do you not remember yet you bought the exact one?"

He shrugged,
"I guess I just know your taste, but seriously, when was this?" He questioned, scrolling through more houses.

I thought for a moment,
"It had to have been when we were just friends, we just went into the jewelry store for fun."

He nodded,
"So when we were pretending we didn't like each other, we went window shopping for engagement rings? Makes sense,"

I laughed,
"It wasn't like that! We were just sick of all the lingerie stores and went in there out of boredom,"

"You mean you were sick of them."

"You know, when you put it like that it sounds like we were shopping for yourself in there," I teased, nudging his arm.

He cracked a smile, before he began to laugh,
"You got me," he joked.

I shook my head,
"Alright, enough jokes," I smiled,
"We gotta hurry up and choose one!"

"You're telling me, says the one who's being picky as hell, making this even harder."

"Okay fine, that one." I pointed.



"Do we have five cars, or a million dollars?" He questioned, considering the house had five garages.

I glared,
"I just picked it randomly because you got your panties in a bunch, smart ass."

"You know what, that's a great idea."


"Why don't we just leave it up to fate?"

"Like...closing our eyes and picking one randomly?"

He nodded,
"Alright, I guess, but if either of us chooses a house in the middle of no where the rules no longer apply."

He chuckled,
"Alright, you're up first, Waters." He smirked, crossing his arms while he leaned back in his chair.

I sat up straight, pushing the chair in closer to the desk, so I was closer to the screen.

I shut my eyes slowly, and held my hand up, landing on a random house. Or at least that's what I hoped, if it was just the search bar that'd be really disappointing.

I slowly opened up one eye, and was in awe at the house I'd chosen.


"What do you think?" I turned to him, he looked pretty stunned himself.

"Now that one is.."

I chuckled, clutching onto his arm,
"It looks like a perfect family home, doesn't it?"

He nodded, turning to me,
"I think I'll have to forfeit,"

I smiled, resting the tip of my nose against his,
"So, are you saying yes?"

He nodded,
"Hell yeah,"
he grinned, connecting our lips. He kissed me passionately and delicately, it definitely sealed the deal for the house.

Who wants to be sc buddies pm me yours if so I'm lonely:,)

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